Moors came from the Sacred Mount Meru
A summary excerpt from the book:
By Sheik Way-El
A summary excerpt from the book:
By Sheik Way-El
It is, or should be, the scholastic and academic will of
the author of any works, to give to the reader, researcher and seeker, the
utmost qualitative information in the specific project that he/she undertakes. The
final product of the project should be methodologically sound in that the “who’s,
what’s, when’s, where’s, why’s”, and “how’s”, should be completely covered and
the works thusly fulfilled.
first chapter of this book brings us all, the author, the reader, the
researcher, etc., to the point of a rather interesting conundrum and it is
because of this conundrum, this author thought it best to begin this book with
this topic. The reason why this author calls this chapter a conundrum is because it deals with the
origins of Man’s descent from a sacred mystical and mythical mountain and
unbeknown to most, this mystical mountain formulates the basis of many myths
pertaining to the origins of Man and so to exclude it from such an important
work, would be likened to omitting the number zero from the numerical system
that we use today. For instance, in subtraction 2 – 2 = 0. Now, in this world
of pragmatic empiricism (i.e., hard evidence), zero has no backing by which it
exists as nothing cannot produce anything. So the real question becomes, how
then can zero produce the number one? Without getting into the complexities of
quantum physics or anything in that regard, the point is to stress that, how is
that 2 – 2 equals zero (0) or nothing
and, how can anything like the number 1 for example, come from zero when 0 – 0
and 0 + 0 = nothing? What is the origin of the zero? How does one define that
which he/she cannot perceive nor knows by which it produces some-thing which in this
instance; is the very next thing or number, one?
the physical origins of Man give us an equally enigmatic conundrum as does the number
zero (can we really call it a number?). This author wants to be clear when he
says “the physical origins of man” he
means that he is not speaking from a
doctrinal perspective (religious in general) or a scientific perspective
(scientists only have theories as to Man’s physical origins on the earth,
nothing concrete), although it is scientific fact that all things exist on the
quantum level and manifest downwardly to become physical. No, this author means
– what are Man’s earthly origins? From what part of the planet did men first
appear? How physical Man got here is another book in and of itself but this
book, more specifically this chapter, seeks to identify, collect, compare, and
weigh through preponderance, the seemingly universal myth pertaining to Man’s
physical location and how Man spread throughout the earth.
this author will show in this regard, is by no means to be taken as a factual
rendering. Conversely, it also should not be dismissed as a fallacious
rendering, hence, the conundrum. In the same way one has to postulate on why they believe that from zero comes one, is the
same way that we should look at the evidence presented henceforth in this
chapter. That is to say, the number one exists, and so does Man, but the
paradisiacal myths which is the makeup of the very topic of this chapter in its
own way, represents the number zero we alluded to a few paragraphs back.
author’s research has inexorably lead him to find the one thread that inextricably
weaves itself through the mythical origins of Man and because of this thread, this
chapter is named such. The “Sacred Mount”
whose earliest appellation appears to be “Meru”, also appears to be the source
of many mythoi dating back thousands of years. It is here where we will start
to put the pieces of this perplexing puzzle together and make connections that
probably have never been made in the manner that this chapter and this book in
general will undertake. Prophet
Noble Drew Ali informs us in the Americanized Holy Koran of the Moorish Science
Temple of America Ch. 47, in part, that:
inhabitants of Africa are the descendants of the ancient Canaanites from the
land of Canaan. Old man Cush and his family are the first inhabitants of Africa
who came from the land of Canaan…The dominion of Cush, North-East and
South-East Africa and North-West and South-West was his father’s dominion of
Africa. In later years, many of their brethren from Asia and the Holy Lands
joined them. The Moabites from the land of Moab who received permission from
the Pharaoh’s of Egypt to settle and inhabit North-West Africa; they were the
founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire. With their
Canaanite, Hittite, and Amorite brethren who sojourned from the land of Canaan seeking
new homes. Their dominion and inhabitation extended from North-East and
South-West Africa, across great Atlantis even unto the present North, South,
and Central America and also Mexico and the Atlantis islands; before the great
earthquake which caused the great Atlantic Ocean.”
are so many different things that I can touch upon in the above which will be
noted in later chapters of this book, however, I cited the portion of that
chapter of the Moorish Holy Koran to stick to the theme of this particular
chapter as it is extremely important when weighed and compared with other
authors investigations into similar claims. In this author’s research in
relation to this chapter, a book of critical importance to this topic must be
referenced. The name of this book is called in part “Har-Moad: or the Mountain of the Assembly” written in 1891 by Orlando
Dana Miller and Stephen Munson Whipple.*
They observe:
the great Hamite-Cushite race from the East was the first to settle Egypt and
Babylon; that this bible race can be traced to the Mount Meru, on the high
table-lands of Central Asia; that the races emigrating from that region can be
traced from thence, to the four quarters of the earth, and that however widely
separated, they can be re-traced to their common home, - the Eden of Genesis”[1]
can clearly see the similarities in the information that Prophet Noble Drew Ali
gave to us and the research from the aforementioned source and how they match
up in regards to the Moors of Cushite and Hamite origins coming from the east
and inhabiting what we know today as Africa. What is unique about the latter
however, is that that those researchers cite Mount Meru as the source of these, our great ancestors who came
from a central location, and then inhabited the rest of the world. How was this
conclusion derived? We will not render speculation for those researchers
however, their works are also centered on this mythical mountain and so their
works are critical in this regard.
18th, 19th, and early 20th century works claim
that Mount Ararat (or the Mountains of
Ararat) of Biblical fame (Gen. 8:4) is comparable to an early myth
pertaining to the Sacred Mount Meru (also related to the Garden of Eden as Har-Moad cites above). In the Biblical narrative,
Noah’s Ark comes to rest on Mt. Ararat and from henceforward, the races of men
repopulate the earth. Surely, we should all by now in these days and times,
know that the Noah story of the Biblical narrative is mythoi par excellence and cannot be considered
a historical event but a mere fabrication by the early codex writers of what we
call the Torah that was adopted into
the Christians bible. The point to note is that as Miller and Whipple stated
above, we have the similar accounts that men from a sacred mount were the
populates of the earth-land and the fact that he calls them Hamite-Cushite is even more intriguing
when you consider the year that these men of European descent, during a time of
intellectual racism, wrote this work
(1891). Druscilla Dunjee Houston in her monumental works cites the same claims.
She says on page 29 that:
“In those primitive days, the central
seat of Ethiopia was not the Meroe of our day, which is very ancient, but a
kingdom that preceeded it by many ages; that
was called Meru. Lenormant spoke of the
first men of the ancient world as "Men of Meru." Sanskrit
writers called Indra, chief god of the Hindu, king of Meru. He was deified and became the chief representative of
the supreme being. Thus was primitive India settled by colonists from Ethiopia.
Early writers said there was very little difference in the color or features of
the people of the two countries. Ancient traditions told of the deeds of Deva
Nahusha, another sovereign of Meru,
who extended his empire over three worlds. The lost literature of Asia
Minor dealt with this extension of the Ethiopian domain. An old poem "Phrygia,"
was a history of Dionysus, one of the most celebrated of the old Ethiopians.”[2]
(emphasis mines)
we see Dunjee Houston citing several early scholars who too gave credit to Meru as being the source of physical man
while maintaining, even to a point of possibly not understanding the
paradisiacal myth pertaining to the mythical mountain, that the people who
occupied primitive India were in fact Cushites called Ethiopians. In the above
citation, we see where sister Dunjee Houston makes an allusion that the Meroe
of our day is, in name, is merely a copy of a much older civilization. This is
highlighted in William F. Warren’s 1855 works where he states:
“Now, just as Christians love to
localize in their own midst their "Holy Places," so the early nations
of the world loved to create miniature reproductions of Eden… This was
eminently true of the sacred architecture of the Babylonians, Egyptians,
Hebrews, and Chinese. Koeppen assures us that "every orthodoxly constructed Buddhist temple either is, or
contains, a symbolical representation of the divine regions of Meru, and of the
heaven of the gods, saints, and Buddhas, rising above it."[3]
“In mount Meros we have only the Greek
form of Meru, as long ago shown by Creuzer. The one is the Navel of the Earth
for the same reason that the other is. Egyptian Meroë (in some Egyptian texts Mer, in Assyrian Mirukh, or Mirukha), the
seat of the famous oracle of Jupiter Ammon, was possibly named from the same
“World-Mountain.” This would explain the passage in Quintus Curtius, which has
so troubled commentators, wherein the object which represented the divine being
is described resembling a “navel set in gems.”[4] (emphasis mines)
in his Asiatic Researches noted that
according to the Puranics that “the first
climate is that of Meru” and that among the Greeks and the Romans the “first climate was that of Meroë.”[5]
We can retrace back to early Hamite-Cushite civilizations
like the Harrapan and the conclusive Cushite foundations of those early Indic civilizations however, that would be superfluous at this point as our main
issue is Mount Meru. As to not give the appearance of being vague, I will
implore the researcher however, to independently find the Moorish/Cushite
origins of the Indic civilization. The aforementioned scholar Druscilla Dunjee
Houston has a wonderful chapter dedicated to this Cushite Indic culture which
will bring you about many works in that regard.
In modern academia, Mount Meru is now restricted to the
Indic or Buddhic cultures of the East without the Cushite or Moorish element
present. In Sanskrit, this mythical mountain is called Šumeru. The approbatory prefix su-,
resulting in the meaning "excellent
Meru" or "wonderful
Meru" and also we have another compounded epithet “Mahameru” e.g. "Great Meru". The Matsya Purana and the Bhāgvata Purāna (purāṇa means, "of ancient
times" in Sanskrit) along with several other Hindu texts greatly
exaggerate the height of Mount Meru which obviously signifies its importance in
their own mythoi. In looking at the word Šumeru
how can we not then notice the word we have today as “Sumer”? The Akkadian language
gives us the word Šumeru which
forms our word Sumer today, which is said to be from the Sumerian (the
older culture) who are called ki-en-ĝir which is thought to mean "land of the civilized
kings" or "native land" or even "Land of the
Lords of Brightness". Various searches will turn up the same
possibilities but what is interesting to note is that the Akkadians are thought
to be of a different stock of the Sumerians and we find that the Sumerians, as
noted above called themselves ki-en-ĝir but the Akkadians called them Šumeru.
Several theories can be found as to why Assyriologists believe such however, we
are not here to clarify or harp on that point more than to bring attention to the very
name Šumeru and how much it linguistically relates to the word Sumer.
This author will not enlarge on the “race” of the original Sumerians as it can
be found that the original peoples of this land were what Whipple and Miller
called on page 10, “Hamite-Cushites”. The European Bible gives us the
clearest indication of this by stating that a man named Chushan or Cushan-Rishathaim
which translates as “Cushite (Ethiopian) of double wickedness” who was
ruler of Aram Naharaim which is situated in Northwest Mesopotamia (Sumer,
Chaldea, Akkadia),[6]
was, according to the biblical narrative, the first oppressor of the Biblical
Israelites (Judges 3:8), and so ethnicity, if we are using that term is clear,
and again, it would be redundant at this point to harp on the racial aspect in
The very fact that the Hindu Puranas
cite the very first men of the world as sovereign’s of Meru according to
Houston and several early authors, and that the Sumerians are, based on
transliterations, thought to be “lords” and “kings”, and that in fact Meru is a
mountain called Šumeru “excellent or great Meru”, brings us to the most
intriguing of correlations in this regard.
firstly, we must also point out is that
the word “Berber” is a synonym for Moor.[7] It appears
that the word Berber is connected to this sacred mount as well. The Akkadians
spoke what we call today a Semitic dialect and call the nose or summit of the mountain bur bur. It is no coincidence that the word
Moor in Arabic translates as Berberi. But what appears more profound is
that we seem to, linguistically at least; find a variation of this name Berber
associated with this mythical mountain. We will highlight this aspect in the broad works of this chapter.
We find in the Egyptian hieroglyphs,
the word Meru to mean “mountain” as you will see evinced in figure 1 below.
Another interesting parallel to note is that in the Egyptian glyphs, the very
name for pyramid is M-R and the fact that the pyramids merely appear to
be renditions of man-made mountains, makes for an even intriguing case for the
Meru connection. What is also of note is that the name Meru or a variant
transliterated as Mer, is also the title of high chiefs, overseers, and
Sheiks (lords) in the Egyptian tongue. This fact will be explicated in chapter
What are the odds that we have this
mystical mountain Meru being cited as a name for “mountain” in the Egyptian
hieroglyphs? It is this researcher’s opinion that the Egyptian pyramids are
skillful renderings of a man made mountain and as mountains stand, so too has
our pyramids stood the test of time. On the point of Mt. Meru and Meru being a
name for mountain among the ancient Egyptians, can we simply chalk this up to
linguistic happenstance or an eager researcher’s linguistic conflations? This
author has six strict critics who will not let him venture off of the deep end;
these six critics are “who, what, when, where, why”, and “how”.
1 Taken from An Egyptian Hieroglyphic
Dictionary Volume 1 By E. A. Wallis Budge, pg. 311
The theory that the
Egyptian pyramids are in the likeness of Mount Meru is not just this authors
wild eyed speculations, but from painstaking research, this author has found
instances where other earlier researchers have indeed concluded the same. In an
article published in 1819 in Blackwood's
Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 5, entitled “Mr. Faber on the Pyramid of
Cephrenes Lately opened by Belzoni”, on pg. 582 - 584 we cite:
the Brahmins are unanimous in declaring, that every Pyramid is an artificial
mountain, designedly constructed as a copy of the Holy Mount Meru. This
holy mountain they describe as the special abode of Iswara, who, during an
universal deluge, floated in the ship Argha, upon the surface of the ocean.”
Hindoo theologians, though occasionally differing as to the form which they
ascribe to the holy mount Meru, very generally represent it as being square, as
standing with an accurate relation to the four cardinal points of the compass,
and as composed of eight successively diminishing towers placed one upon the
other. Such, according to Herodotus and Strabo, was the exact form and
arrangement of the Tower of Babylon. But this very pyramid, raised on the banks
of the Euphrates, was, according to the Hindoo theologians, the earliest
montiform [in the shape of a mountain] edifice which the sons of men reared as
a studious copy of Mount Meru.”
is now plain enough, why each Egyptian pyramid, though, like every other
pyramid, a copy of Mount Meru or Ararat, was yet very truly, according to
their theological speculations, declared by the priesthood to be the tomb of a
very ancient king of the country. By this ancient king they meant the Hero-God
Osiris, and his tomb was such another as the Cretans shewed for the sepulcher
of their chief Hero-God Zan, or Jupiter; but the Greeks took them literally and
thence handed down to posterity, that the pyramids were literal tombs of certain
literal Egyptians kings.”[All emphasis (underlined and bold words) mines]
examine these passages and look at the extensive research that has been
undertaken by this author in this regard, I have concluded without a doubt
that, based on the preponderance of the evidence just shown above, that Mount
Meru holds some significance among many civilizations of the ancient world as
the very source of their respective myths pertaining to the origins of man. The
very fact that it is described as being square in shape which we will cite
references forthcoming in this regard, brings to mind the beautiful Kaaba of Arabia.
We will highlight the Moabite origins of the Holy City of Mecca in chapter 8
and the direct connection between one of the other names of Mecca, that being Mesha which is the same name as the name
of the ruler of Moab and the fact that the said God of Mesha, Chemosh, was also venerated by the early
Arabians as a black stone and its possibly being the same black stone that is
the corner stone of the Kaaba.
continue, Godfrey Higgins in his infamous book, Anacalpsys, provides even more detail of this mystical mountain and
its relation to several ancient myths in this regard. He would say on page 354,
of said book:
“Ilavratta, Id-avratta, or Ararat, or
Mount Meru of the Indians, was surrounded with seven belts of land and seven
seas, and beyond them, by one much greater called the ocean. This was exactly
in imitation of the earth and the seven planets…On the top of Mount Meru,
called the Mount of Saba, or of the congregation of the heavenly host… Here we
find the seat of God with its seven earths, emblematical of the sun and seven
planets. And the Hindoo Sabh, called congregation, meaning the same as Sabaoth,
“Lord God of the Sabaoth,” Lord God
of the heavenly hosts, the starry host. We always end with the sun and what we
call in the Bible Sabaoth, but in Hebrew it is the same as the Sanscrit zba; and generally means Lord of the
planetary bodies – zba-e-smim;
though, perhaps, the stars may sometimes be included by uninitiated persons.
Here is the origin of the Sabæns, which has been much sought for.”[8] (emphasis mines)
us examine some of these names above; Ilavratta, Id-avratta, and Ararat. Is it
that Il is related to the name El who
sits on the mountain as the chief of all Gods in ancient times? Can it be that
the Id of Id-avratta relates to the
Ad people of ancient Arabia who are an ancient people that are the subject of
wrath according to the Koran of Mohammed?[9]
Higgins in the above verse cites the Sabeans as the people who descend from the
ancient mount. Are not the most ancient peoples of Arabia also considered
Sabeans? We will go in-depth on this aspect in chapter 8 however, it was worth
mentioning because there was something else from Higgin’s works that caught
this authors attention in connection to the above where he states:
“…and we have just now seen, that
there was an Ileyam or Ilium in India; that, in fact, Meru was Ilium.
Ilavratta, or the Indian Ararat, was often written Idavratta. This is evidently
mount Ida.”[10]
“Col. Franklin has observed the
connection between the Mythoses of the East and West. He says “The Gods are Merupa (Meropes of Homer) and signify in
Sanscrit Lords of Mount Meru, the North-pole of the Hindoos, which is a
circular spot, and the strong hold of the Gods: it is called Ila: or, in a
derivative form, Ileyam or Ilium.””[11]
this first citation from pg. 364 it speaks of Ida being one of the names of the
mountains. Again, it is hard for us to simply ignore the possible, and I want
to stress, possible connection between Ad and Id/Ida.
want to now bring you to the word “Ilium”
and “Ileyam” cited above by Higgins.
It bears a striking linguistic connection to the word Illiyun of the Koran of Mohammed. The word Illiyun only appears one time in one verse of the Yusef Ali
translation of the Koran of Mohammed.
“And what will explain to thee what
Illiyun is?” (83:19)
it, we find that Illiyun relates to a “supreme
register”. The very fact that this word sounds similar to the Hebrew word Elyon which means “most high”, gives us plausible weight for our overall theory in
regards to this chapter. We bring attestation to this point further by
observing several ayats (verses) subsequent
to the above cited where it goes on to say at 83:23 that:
thrones (of dignity) they will be able to see a view (of all things)”
this author does not want to be accused of conflation so this author by using
the words “probable”, “plausible”,
“theory”, etc., readily admits that he cannot definitively conclude these
connections in some or most cases in regards to the topic of this chapter
however, how can one ignore such parallels and summarily or otherwise dismiss
them? “On thrones of dignity they will be
able to see a view of all things”? Does this not sound like the very description
given for Šumeru? Would not one
perched upon a mountain be able to see a “view
of all things”? Would these not
be “lords” or “kings” sitting on “thrones of
dignity”? In the Canaanite pantheon of Gods, do we not find El as the anthropomorphic deity sitting
at the highest peak of the sacred mountain of the Gods? Is this not why we have
the name El Elyon which translates as
God Most High because of his position
at the top of the mythical mount above all other Gods? Again, this author
stresses that he is no scholar but is merely a simple researcher, a compiler of
sorts, but does challenge any who comes across this missive to discount even
the theoretical connections that have been sewn together thus far by that
thread called Mt. Meru.
one may be asking, because the name Meru is close in pronunciation to the name
Moor, is there any form of corroborating evidence and/or sources that can at
least, theoretically bring some verity to this authors claim that Moor may be derived from Meru? In an 1841 works titled
History of the Moors of Spain by an Florian, we find the most interesting
account in that, as noted previously in this work, speaks to this “mythical”
and ambiguous origin of the Moors that Godfrey Higgins with confidence
concluded. It reads:
“The origin of the Moors, or
Mauritanians, is like that of most other ancient nations, obscure, and in the
information we possess concerning their history confusedly mingled with fables.
The fact, however, appears to be established, that Asiatic emigrations
were, from the earliest times, made into Africa. In addition to this,
the historians of remote ages, speak of a certain Meleck Yafrick, king of
Arabia Felix, who conducted a people called Sabæi into Libya [Libya
is anciently the Northern portions of Africa], made himself master of that
country, established his followers there, and gave it the name of Africa. It
is from these Sabians or Sabæi that the principle Moorish tribes pretend to
trace their descent. The derivation of the name Moors is also supposed, in some
degree, to confirm the impression that they came originally from Asia.
But, without enlarging upon these ancient statements, let it suffice to say,
that nearly certain ground exists for the belief that the original
Moors were Arabians. In confirmation of this impression, we find
that, during every period of the existence of their race, the descendants of
the primitive inhabitants of Mauritania have, like the Arabs, been divided into
distinct tribes, and, like them, have pursued a wild wandering mode of
existence.” [Added emphasis mines]
more can be given insofar as parallels are concerned to convince the reader
that all of these things are connected? Florian’s mention that the “The derivation of the name Moors is also
supposed, in some degree, to confirm the impression that they came originally
from Asia” is an obvious allusion to Meru as we have shown by the sources
above. This author will not dare
chalk this up as a a definitive however, how much weighty preponderance of the evidence
can be given in this regard? Did not Higgins conclude that the Sabaeans were the
first people descended from the sacred Mount Meru? Do you desire more resources in this regard? Let us look
at the interpretations of one of the most controversial and critically
acclaimed authors of the 19th century, Gerald Massey in his works “A
Book of the Beginnings - Volume 2” (republished 2007) where he states on page 590:
![]() |
Figure 2: Border symbol used by Massey which can also be seen in figure 3 |
"It is the visible sign of lower and
upper, or MEH (north,
the abyss) and RRU
(horizon and steps), and it is feasible that the name of Temeri is
the land of MEH-RU,
whence Meru, and the ancient Meroé was once the capital of two Egypts under
this name. The first lower and upper were north and
south, but the Maori Mauru is north and west, and this is in keeping with the
Meh, north, and the Ru is the horizon west. Meroë in Æthiopia was due north
from the equator, but reckoning from Central Africa or from Habesh (Abyssinia)
we shall find the land of the ancient MAURI
(Mauritania), howsoever the district was bounded at different times, was always
to the north-west of our centre, which travels from the equator down to Lower
Egypt. Thus we have a “Mauri,” for the country north-west in Africa, answering
to the Maori name of the north-west as Mauru. This shifts the duality of Meh-ru
or Meru, from north and south to north and west, just as it was shifted when
the hinder-part west was called Khept, as the place of going down instead of
the north. This name for a land lying north-west of the African centre–always
reckoning from the south–would deposit the name of the Muari land; MARMARICA (a duplicate form) and
Marocco as the Mauri or Moors went farther north into Spain or TZEPHON.
From these and other data may be drawn
the inference that the Maori people were self-name as the emigrants who came
from the north-west, one name of which MAURU,
Egyptian Meru, Meroë or the Meh-ru. The Mauri name is that of the later Moors,
of a land under the Tropic of Cancer and north-west of the equator, as well as
of Æthiopia the typical birthplace, and the name of the Moors found on the
Egyptian monuments is written MAURI
are so many things that can be broken down in the above quote by Gerald Massey
besides the obvious where it says “and the name of the Moors found on the
Egyptian monuments is written MAURI or MAURUI.”
have such a theory first drawn up by this author, confirmed by another notable scholar with a theoretical
statement in this regard, while matching it up to what the walls of Egypt, is paramount for this author on a personal level as such theories are usually
dismissed by those who will not study but, when you weave together solid
evidence and/or other theoretical conclusions of the same point that you
yourself came up with based on hours of intense study, it is gratifying in the
sense that it cannot be shown to be wrong and, even if taken wholly as theory,
has to be respected by any scholar about who is about his/her work as just that, good sound theory.
very fact that Massey places the birthplace of these Moors in what he calls Æthiopia and the very fact that one of
the names of ancient Ethiopia is Mirukh according to the Babylonian accounts
derived from early scholars and we see the same place forming forming name “-uhk” like with Uruk a city of ancient Chaldee/Babylonia.
let us look at the Egyptian glyphs in this regard in relation to the above.
This author has been accused of conflation and simply trying to fit a square
peg in a round hole and so we will let the configurations speak to the reader
for a moment.
then leaves us with “MER” and when
you simply weigh this with what we have shown above, it is impossible to
ignore! This same Mer is rendered in the glyphs as shown in figure 1, as mer
and meru,
with the latter connection to the very name for the mystical mountain of
Asiatic lore. In this, the author believes that he has, like Massey, located
the name Moor in the Egyptian hieroglyphs and opens up, as usual, for any sound
scholastic or academic rebuttals.
cannot ignore any of the above and for this author, gives confirmation that
word Moor is the most ancient appellation of the race of people who have for
themselves in these days and times, the misnomer Negro and Black attached
to them since at least Hellenistic times. We will dig deeper into this aspect
in chapter 8.
how then does all of this relate to the name Cush or the people called
Cushites? This author and researcher yet proposes another bold theory that it
is simply hard for any astute student of sequential information to ignore.
For this, we bring
you back to the book Har-Moad where the authors are giving the reader two
different breakdowns on this name Meropes which is the self-same is Mirukh and
Meru and Meroe as this author has highlighted in past works and will
undoubtedly highlight in chapter 8. On pg. 405 we read:
“Merops. 1. King of the Island of Cos,
husband of the nymph Ethemea, and father of Eumelus. His wife was killed by
Diana because she had neglected to worship that goddess. Merops, in order to rejoin his wife, wished to make away with
himself, but Juno changed into an Eagle, whom she placed among the starts.
2. King of the
Æthiopians, by whose wife, Clymene, Helious, became the father of Phaëthon.
Thus Merops is to
be indentified with the constellation of the Eagle, or Aquila. But to the above
extact should be added the following: Meropes,
an ancient name of the inhabitants of the island of Cos, from an early king,
Merops (Lidd. and Scott, Gr. Lex., sub ). It remains now to show that the name Merops is only another form of the word Meru, applied to the first men issuing
from the sacred mount, that is to say, the Meropes.”
The above is so revealing in so many regards. How many of us
learned about Merops, the king of “Æthiopia” in the mandatory Greek mythology
lessons we studied in school or, for the most part, in any of our Afrocentric studies?
This eagle Aquila, is this the same eagle that we find in Roman-American
symbolism stemming from a symbol of the original Romans who were the Moors?[13] Can we conclude that what is known as the
mythical coat of arms of the Ethiopians which connects to the Moors of Europe
and the true identity of Prophet Jesus himself[14] is the
self-same as the double headed eagle adopted into Freemasonry and other European
nations? This author does without doubt or contradiction!
![]() |
Figure 5 |
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Figure 6 |
This name Merops
and Meropes again is connected with
the name Meru which according to the
Babylonians, is the area called by them “Mirukh”[15] which is in
fact the land named Cush whom
Europeans have given the name Ethiopia to.
Well what about this island called Cos that was cited in the above? Is Cos somehow
related to Cush? Again, we must reference these early sources because there is
simply no etymology to the word Cush and if you leave it up to those people who
re-wrote the Old Testament, Cush just simply means "black" which is completely
false according to their own language. Now, let us review page 406 of the book Har-Moad where it says:
“…that the same name Merops is connected with that of Æthiopia,
a country particularly mentioned by Moses in his geographical description of
Eden, this being of course the Asiatic and not the African Æthiopia. Finally,
the name Cos given to the island
ruled by Merops can be no other than Cush, by which the Cushite race was so
generally known. Merops is, then,
only another name of the first man, applied to the primeval abode of humanity
under the form Meru, like Asgard from Askur, among the Scandinavians, and As-kar, “propitious summit,” among the inhabitants of the Euphrates
valley.” [emphasis mines]
So here, the authors of Har-Moad have concluded that Cush is Cos and that this land was called Meropes which is the same exact appellation as Meru and that the Cushites (today called black people) represent the first people of the world which, ethnically, is a known genetic fact and, you see why this author strongly feels that the word Moor means "original man". Obviously,
we cannot cite one source and give it to you as a definitive, the fact of
the matter is that it is largely theoretical and still, there has never been
found the etymology of the name Cush and so how can we dismiss the above in any
instance? So let us look at another source in this regard. We find in another early works called “The American antiquarian and oriental journal, Volume 34 edited by Stephen Denison Peet, J. O.
Kinnaman (1912) on page 13 where it states:
“Cush or Kush is
written Cus or Cos. As sh is really
equal to s plus the consonant y sound, the Greeks tried to produce
the sh before vowel endings by
inserting i (equal to y) after s, as in Casiotis, that is Cash-ot or
Kush-at, and Masius, that is Mash (Mountains north of Mesopotamia).”
Another source and several other early sources agree that this Cos is in fact Cush of ancient fame and the Prophet Noble Drew Ali informs us that it was the Cushites who first inhabited Africa and that they came from the land of Canaan (Ch. 47. v. 2). Dunjee Houston noted something profound in her great book as
well. She stated that:
"We know by the
records that Amenophis (Memnon), seized the whole coast of Arabia, Libya and
Ethiopia. In the Iranian histories he had extended his conquests to far
Bactrina. Amenophis subdued the Scythic nations in the Caucasus. He marched into
Colchis which was Ethiopian (Her. II, 104) and marched as far as the
Don. These
were but old Cushite dominions." - pg 112
"Let us examine
ancient testimony to see if we can find the real origin of these Cassites. It
was a race name of the original Chaldeans. Ezra V., 12, links the name Chaldean
with the name Casdim. Daniel IX, 1, says that when the Babylonian army besieged
Jerusalem it was the army of the Chaldee or Casdim. Taylor thought the
Babylonians and the Casdim the same people. The races moved eastward from
Kedem. Bryant in his Ancient Mythology, Vol. III, p. 226, fixes Kedem in the
Caucasus. This more and more seems to he the center from which the three races
emigrated, or near it. Let us look into the Caucasus and see if we can find the
name Casdim. There today we find lingering remnants of the Iberians (ancient
Cushites of Europe). Wilford in the Asiatic Researches, Vol. VI, p. 455, says
that Ptolemy called the most ancient race of the Caucasus, Cassia or Chasas.
They occupied this range from its eastern limits on the Euxine Sea to the
confines of Persia. They are often mentioned in the sacred books of the Hindu
and their descendants still inhabiting these regions are called Cassia to this
day. One Cassite king of Babylon married an Assyrian princess. Their reign came
to an end about 1207 B. C.
To what race did be
Casdim belong? Sanchoniathon said that their great ancestor was Chasa or Chasya
who lived before the Hood and gave his name to the mountains that he seized
upon. Some of the Greek legends centered about the Caucasus. This
name Caucasus or Coh-Cas extended from India to the Mediterranean. The
borders of Persia were inhabited by the Cassaei, there was a Mount Cassius on
the border of Egypt and another in Syria. The titles of Cassius and Cassiopaeus
are nearly synonymous with Jupiter, the god of Rome." - pp. 174-175
Here she is clearly transmitting that the original peoples of
the Caucasus were in fact Cushites and that the very name Caucasus is nothing
more than a variant rendering of the name Cush which matches up to the last source
cited in this regard.
To further add on more connections to this chapter of which will be chronologically sequenced in the book, we find that according to Samuel Bochart, a French Protestant biblical scholar whose works were relied on heavily by early biblical scholars, stated that the Colchis are in fact the Casluhim[16] son of Mizraim
(Genesis 10:14 ; 1 Chronicles 1:12), which, according to early Islamic
historical records, represents a son of Berber. Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) gives
one of the only historical references of Berber
being used eponymously. He would give the reason that became widely accepted
as to why the Berbers were “black” complexioned. He writes:
“Ham, having become black because of a curse pronounced against him by his father, fled to the Maghrib to hide in shame.... Berber, son of Kesloudjim [Casluhim], one of his descendants, left numerous posterity in the Maghrib” [17]
The Maghrib simply means "furthermost west" and to some, represents the whole of West Africa and to others, restrictively places Maghrib as Northwest Africa alone. These are the educators of the Greeks and would undoubtedly
be where the Greeks form the basis of their mythoi like we have today in Homer's Iliad. The very
name Iliad can be looked at under the same micrscope that this author has given
in the above. Ili- is a Canaanite (Semetic) variation for God and –ad, from this authors perspective, just
appears to line up with the ancient Arabian people of Ad and the mystical mountain called Ida. This
is of course, this authors opinion but it is hard to refrain from drawing such
a hard conclusion when you have so many
parallels which tend to attach themselves like magnets to each other linguistically
and by heredity from civilization to civilization. What of the Greek Olympus? The
famed mountain in their mythos. Does the “Ol” reference Il, or Al, or El? For where
can the etymology of this name be found? The online etymological dictionary
says for Olympus:
“high mountain in
Thessaly, abode of the gods, from Greek Olympos, of unknown origin. The
name was given to several mountains, each seemingly the highest in its
Is it far fetched then, where etymologists cannot trace its
source, for this author or any in that regard, to offer up hypothesis that clearly relates in name to
the other world mountains of mythical fame having for its roots El, Al, or Il who in one of the oldest systems in the world (Canaanite), represents the most
high of all Gods and the very name of God himself? El, also transliterated as Il, or Al, or Ala (which gives us Allah today) stand as the most high in rank and mythically, sits on the seat of the top
of the mountain to accentuate his
rank. And the fact that the Moorish American Moslems of today bear the El on
their given names as a tribal designation which in actuality makes it a theophoric name (connecting the name of God to your name), coupled with the fact
that these Moslems know that they are Moors
to which Florian alluded was because of some Asiatic appelation which we have
clearly shown to be Meru or more specifically, Mount Meru to which, Gerald
Massey so to concluded, simply cannot be ignored.
Mount Moriah in of the scriptures which in Arabic is مروة Marwah which is the same place where Solomon began
to build the house of the lord at Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 3:1) adds weight to
the above. The very fact that Mt. Sion to which we know of today as Zion
is only another name for Mount Hermon is equally important. Why? Because Hermon
simply means “nose of mountain” according to Smith’s Bible Dictionary. Mt.
Hermon is called Jabal al-Shaykh by the Arabic speakers which translates
as "Mountain of the Chief"and here, in this translation alone,
we find our parellel illuming itself once again. If Mt. Hermon simply means nose
of the mountain and Sion simply means, high, or elevated,
then again, we are speaking to the peak of the mountain which is by all
intents and purposes, the same as noted earlier of Šu-meru and
the very epithets connected with it.
about the actual mountain which borders Tanzania and Kenya called Mount Meru? How
about the people of Bantu origin that call themselves by their most ancient appellation
of Meru who speak a language called Kimeru
which is also called “Mer”?[19]
These Meru posit a tradition similar to the biblical accounts of Joshua driving
out the people of ancient Canaan. Arabia, according to M.S.T. of A. doctrine,
is in fact a part of ancient Canaan land. These Meru, as some scholars have
asserted based on the oral traditions of the Meru, came from ancient Yemen after being driven out of their homeland by the “red man”. Their
language, although a Bantu dialect, has also been classified as “Cushitic in origin.”[20]
will expand these accounts in the book on this subject however, we could not
leave the reader of this posting without something tangible in regards to something we can point to today and tie that into what appears to be an
ever pervasive myth that has so many cultural parallels, that to ignore them, we truly cut ourselves off from aspect of our history that has never been settled but does however, appear to have been passed from generation to generation, culture to culture, in the form of a myth based on this mythical mountain.
![]() |
Figure 7. Mount Meru which borders Tanzania and Kenya by a people called the Meru |
this book is published, every aspect of this mythical mountain will be covered
and hidden and unknown aspects uncovered, particularly in this first chapter detailing the paradisiacal
source of Man himself on this physical earth. We will highlight the Atlantis
mythoi in this regard as well along with other sources that places a giant
island here (in the west) near the Americas called Meropes and the fact that some of the
peoples of the Americas were actually called "Meropes" will make these finds all
the more interesting. This book is not based upon this mythical mountain, this one chapter is. This book is however, based upon never before put together information about
the origins of the Moors who are the Moabites and to give some good sound
etymological theories as well where professional etymologists have not been
able to give us answers. I hope you all enjoyed this work and if you have any questions or rebuttals, please leave them in the comment section or please feel free to contact me at
Sheik Way-El
Grand Sheik & Divine Minister
Moorish Science Temple of America
Subordinate Temple Atlantis
Please locate the credentials of all sources in the section titled “Referential
[1] Har-Moad:
or the mountain of the assembly : a series of archeological studies chiefly
from the standpoint of the cuneiform inscriptions, pg. vii, By Orlando Dana
Miller, Stephen Munson Whipple (1891)
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire (1926) By Druscilla Dunjee
Houston, pg. 29
[3] Paradise
Found, (1885)by William F. Warren, pg. 228-229
Ibid, pg. 236
[5] Francis
Wilford, Asiatic Researches, vol. viii., p. 289
Holman Bible Dictionary 1991
Anacalypsis an Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis, Volume 1
(1836) By Godfrey Higgins, pg. 354
Sura 6-8, Sura 50-60, Sura 123 - 140
Higgins, pg. 364
Ibid, pg. 363
[12] An
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary Vol II: With an Index of English Words, King
List, and Geographical List with Indexes, List of Hieroglyphic Characters,
Coptic and Semitic Alphabets, PG 815 By E. A. Wallis Budge, the second glyph
comes from a book of the same name Vol. I, pg. 1050
[13] Light
and truth: collected from the Bible and ancient and modern history, containing
the universal history of the colored and the Indian race, from the creation of
the world to the present time (1844) By Robert Benjamin Lewis, pg. 340
SIGILLUM SECRETUM (Secret Seal) On the image of the Blackamoor in European
Heraldry (a preliminary proposal for an iconographical study) by Mario de
Valdes y Cocom
[15] “Wonderful
Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire” Druscilla Dunjee Houston, pg. 127
[16] Geographia
sacra: seu Phaleg et Chanaan (1707) iv. 31
[17] “What
happened to the ancient Libyans? Chasing sources across the Sahara from
Herodotus to Ibn Khaldun,” Journal of World History 14:4 (2003), By Richard Smith,
pg. 482