Monday, April 22, 2013



Islam and greetings to you all. I rise giving all praise to Allah and the highest of honors to his Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali. I extend those honors to the harbinger and forerunner whom I personally call “St. Garvey Bey” Marcus M. Garvey. I extend honors to all true and divine Prophets and I extend honors to you all for when man honors man, he honors his father God-Allah. In this dissertation, we will attempt to trace the origins of the Lost Tribe of Shabazz of Nation of Islam lore to none other than the ancient Sabeans. Trying to track down such a tribe where there is no other evidence insofar as linguistics is concerned, is a difficult task. Myself, being born a 5%er and having the same accounts deriving from the Nation of Islam, have never been able to prove the existence of such a tribe and when I read “plus degrees” and other NOI exegesis concerning the lost tribe as I got older in life, they could not be reconciled with any tangible information that any true scholar would respect. This has prompted us to look deeper into the legend and the location where they held dominion according to the claims made by Elijah Muhammad and we have come to the conclusion that the very name Shabazz is merely a phonetic rendering of the name Sabas which is in fact Sheba with Sabas being a more truer rendering than the name Sabean that we have in our vernacular today.

I want to first present you with several citations of Elijah Muhammad, the originator of the legend of the said tribe from his book Message to the Black man in America:
“Who is better knowing of who we are than God, Himself? He has declared that we are descendants of the Asian Black Nation and the tribe of Shabazz. You might ask, who is this tribe of Shabazz? Originally, they were the tribe that came with the earth (or this part) 66 trillion years ago when a great explosion on our planet divided it into two parts. One we call earth and the other moon.”
“We, the tribe of Shabazz, says Allah (God), were the first to discover the best part of our planet to live on. The rich Nile Valley of Egypt and the present seat of the Holy City, Mecca, Arabia.”[1]
***NOTE: We have only the ebook so the actual page numbers appear off as they are not listed on the pages on said ebook so if we are off in our quotes then we stand to be corrected.***

Being that it is hard to impossible to place a 66 trillion year existence on the planet earth or even the entire universe, and attaching such an exorbitant amount of time to the planet earth and connecting it with a people, made any true researcher analyzing the account, view it as unsubstantiated myth and summarily dismissed it outright. Being that Elijah Muhammad located this tribe in Arabia and also along the Nile, then it became easier for me as a researcher to eliminate the 66 trillion year portion of this equation and focus on the people, and finally put the pieces to this puzzle together which has also been a part of my childhood and my studies while growing up.

As I have mentioned above, there is only one ancient tribe that we can connect this name phonetically with and that is the Sabas. The name Shabazz, as it is clear, is plainly an English vernacular rendition of Sabas which means that "Shabazz" was not the name of the Tribe(s) in its vernacular, but it was merely the place that they descended from which we find historically called 'Sabas' in ancient Arabia. If you were to listen to the audios and videos of Elijah Muhammad, then you will hear his pronunciation of the word Koran. He pronounced it “Kowaan” and after doing this research, I am now convinced that the name Sabas, was also pronounced phonetically by Elijah Muhammad as Shabazz and thus, this form of the name stuck, spelling and all. This is called “deductive reasoning.”

Most early scholars note that most African authors say that the first inhabitants of the eastern deserts of Berberia and Numidia, called African Berbers, were five peoples of Sabas who came with Melec Ifriqui, king of south Arabia, from whom was taken the name 'Africa'. These people still maintain that their ancient names were Zinhagia, Alucamuda, Zeneta, Haoara and Gumera. From them descend six hundred heritages of African Berbers, and from them come all the noblest kings of all Africa, such as Ibn Al Raquiq, in the book of the Tree of African Lineage.[2]

These five peoples first populated eastern Berberia, and afterward spilled over into different habitations, making themselves lords of most of Africa. They were collectively called African Berbers, because they first lived in Berberia.[3]

As I have chronicled in my video ANCIENT CANAANITES PT. 2: The Moabites; Moor and Berber are simply synonymous terms with each other and these very people that lived along the Nile in ancient times, these same Moors are also called Sabas as has been noted above, to which I will further chronicle later in this treatise, and who too were called Berbers. The old ancient Roman Periplus map of the Arabian sea proves that these Berbers were in fact living along the Nile and in East Africa, the very place where the Moors first crossed over into when they migrated from Arabia into Africa. Djehutmuse I of the 18th dynasty supposedly listed the Barbara as one of over 113 tribes that he conquered and also mentioned in the time of Ramses as Beraberata. The early name of this population appears to have been Nobatae or Noubai and the name may have been related to that of Napatans.[4]

 photo Arabianmap.jpg
Periplus of Ancient Arabia. 1st century A.D. Notice where the Berbers are located

Prophet Noble Drew Ali informs us in Act six of the Divine Constitution and By-Laws of the Moorish Science Temple of America that the Moorish Americans, meaning our people who live on this land in the United States of America and who identify with the misnomer “black” are descendants of the ancient Moabites whom inhabited the Northwestern and Southwestern shores of Africa. These are no doubt the sons of ancient Canaan as has been chronicled by many early historians and hitherto concealed by many modern ones.

In studies of the peoples of West Africa, it is noted that the Benin people are descendants of the Yoruba tribes and that the Yoruba tribes themselves are descendants of six brothers, all sons of one mother. Their names were Ikelu, Egba, Ijebu, Ifé, Inbni (Benin), and Yoruba. According to a west African Sultan named Bello, as chronicled by Hugh Clapperton (1788 –1827) a Scottish traveler and explorer of West and Central Africa, the Yoruba tribes are descended from the children of Canaan, who were of the tribe of Nimrod.[5]

Conversely, in East Africa, according to early sources that cite eastern legends of the Habesha (Abyssinians), it is stated the Cush is in fact a son of Canaan and that these Cushites called eponymously "Cush" had a son named Habesha whose name derives from Hebrew grammarians meaning a raised mixture of different countries (Osborne, 1748 pg. 254). When viewing the location of the map above, it is no doubt that these people were anciently seen as Barabras or Berbers, an ancient race name predating Nubia/Nuba, a name given to denote a slave or servant.

Some 5%er and Nation of Islam lore, not all, also says that Shabazz was called “Grand Daddy Shabazz” who is said to have taken our people into the jungles of Africa 50,000 years ago. In this, Shabazz is made into an eponymous character like has been done with many of the characters in scriptures. We reason this out because if Shabazz was the name of this one man, and the people are called collectively the “tribe of Shabazz” by the Nation of Islam, then it is evident that Shabazz is eponymous in the same way Moorish Americans say Old man Cush and his father Ham and it attribute these names to a father and his son, but history proves it simply to be the location name of our peoples in the most ancient of times.

In research, analyzing every word is vitally critical. Notice that Elijah Muhammad said that this tribe “chose” for themselves Arabia and the Nile region. This means that one can correctly speculate that this tribe did come from somewhere else to establish civilization in these parts and from whence they came is undoubtedly, based on what has been presented and what will be in this exposition, from the ancient land of Canaan as was revealed by our Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Being that we can place this time in remote antiquity based on the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, dating back to 50,000 years, this brings us to a source you have seen me cite often from Godfrey Higgin's Anacalypsis when he states:
“It was the opinion of Sir William Jones, that a great nation of Blacks formerly possessed the dominion of Asia, and held the seat of empire at Sidon [the capital city of Canaan]. These must have been the people called by Mr. Maurice Cushites or Cuthites, described in Genesis; and the opinion that they were Blacks is corroborated by the translators of the Pentateuch, called the Seventy, constantly rendering the word Cush by Ethiopia. It is very certain that, if the opinion be well founded, we must go for the time when this empire flourished to a period anterior to all our regular histories. It can only be known to have existed from accidental circumstances, which have escaped amidst the ruins of empires and the wrecks of time. Of this nation we have no account; but it must have flourished after the deluge. And, as our regular chronological systems fill up the time between the flood and what is called known undoubted history; if it be allowed to have existed, its existence will of course prove that no dependance can be placed on the parts of that history. It will shew that all the early chronology is false; for the story of this empire is not told. It is certain that its existence can only be known from insulated circumstances, collected from various quarters, and combining to establish the fact. But if I succeed in collecting a sufficient number to carry conviction to an impartial mind, the empire must be allowed to have existed”[6] [added emphasis mines]
So here we can evidently confirm by these early archaeologists, that the seat of the rule of all of Asia, this would probably include the Nile region of Africa on eastward, was held in the ancient land of Canaan at a time period that they simply could not put a number or figure on. Prophet Noble Drew Ali would constantly use the term “Ancient Canaan” as to distinguish it from a time when we ruled, and the time that we were pushed out by Joshua. We would have absolutely established civilization, great cities, and large bands of Nomads all throughout Africa and Arabia which is situated true south of ancient Canaan if, we are saying that Canaan was represented how it is accepted by biblical scholars today.

Map showing the Arabian peninsula the northern most portion is Canaan as designated by scriptures.

Sabas who is also noted as biblical Sheba, was a kingdom in pre-Mohammaden southwestern Arabia, frequently mentioned in the Bible (notably in the story of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba) and variously cited by ancient Assyrian, Greek, and Roman writers from about the 8th century BC to about the 5th century AD. Its capital, at least in the middle period, was Maʾrib, which lies 75 miles (120 km) east of present-day Sanaa, in Yemen. A second major city was Ṣirwāḥ. [7]

This same Sabas is Seba or more intimately, Sheba of ancient fame and if we look at the biblical chronology, such names like it are directly connected to each other through the generations. In this, we can see the ‘S’ transform into ‘SH’ and vice versa as was done in many names that start with ‘S’ like Sabbath as we say it, which is said as Shabbath in what is known as the Hebrew tongue. According to Smith’s Bible Dictionary 1966-77, we read for Seba and Sheba which are listed separate with Seba being the son of Cush and Sheba being the grandson (possibly noting a shift in pronunciation) as given in the same exact biblical verse proving both are the same patronymic eponym but listing Sheba as a son of Raamah which is probably no person at all as the name Raamah is said to mean “trembling” by the descendants of Joshua (so called Jews) who in their Torah, gave pejorative definitions to the named people of Canaan and Cush that is copied into their bible. This bible dictionary reads:
SE’BA. First son of Cush (Gen. x. 7). A nation in Africa included Cush, and having a name and power in Solomon’s time (Ps. lxxii. 10). Located in the island Meroe, which lies at the injunction of the white and blue branches of the Nile. The chief city (Meroe) had an oracle of Jupiter Ammon (or the ram-headed Num), ruins of which are now visible besides pyramids, and other indications of a great population. The great stature and beauty of this people was a theme of the ancients (Herod iii. 20, 114; Is. xliii. 3, xlv. 14; Ez. xxiii. 42). See Josephus, A. J. ii. 10, 2.
She’ba (red), (Gen x. 7) 1. Grandson of Cush; 2. Tenth son of Joktan (ver, 28); 3. Grandson of Keturah (xxx. 3). 1. The name of the kingdom of South Arabia, before Himyer took its place, a few years before Christ (24–Strabo). Here were the Sabæans of Diodorus (iii. 38, 46). A queen of Sheba visited Solomon (1 K. x.), attended by a great train, camels loaded with spices, gold, and precious stones. The chief cities were Seba, Uzal (now Sana), Sephar (now Zafar), and Mariaba (now Marib). This district had the chief riches, best country, and greates numbers of all the four peoples of Arabia. The local history is authentic only as far back as the first century A.D. There ancient religion was pagan. – 2. Settled on the Persian Gulf. On the island of Bahreyn, in the Gulf, are the ruins of an ancient city called Seba. Its merchants are mentioned in Ezekiel xxvii. 23.–3. The sons of Keturah are charged by Job (i.15, vi. 19) with the robber habits that are peculiar to the Bedawin of our day.
So here we place the ancient Sabas in Meroe which is the southern portion of the “two lands” of Egypt and we know from studying the works of many early scholars, that Cush does not start in Africa, but starts in Arabia and India before it establishes the kingdom noted in the bible as Sheba which becomes Axum and modern day "Ethiopia". So in this, we understand that Sabas is merely a descendant nation of Cushites whom Prophet Noble Drew Ali said came from the ancient land of Canaan and were the first to occupy the land we know today as Africa.[8] This reconciles what Elijah Muhammad said above when he placed Shabazz within “The rich Nile Valley of Egypt and the present seat of the Holy City, Mecca, Arabia.”

Noble Drew Ali informs us also that it was the Moabites who founded the Holy City of Mecca.[9] I have done research into this very account and have given a preponderance of the evidence that in all inference, gives verity to the claim made by our Prophet Noble Drew Ali. You can read that particular thesis here:

What we also notice is the cities listed in their original appellation cited as “Seba”, “Uzal”, “Zafar” and “Mariaba.” Mariaba is said to be Marib. In the same book, it defines Arabia and it says that the city of Marib is so ancient, so remote, that it was in ruins by the time Solomon came to reign(pg. 21). Its original appellation struck me interesting. It appears in my opinion as a compound of two words, that being MariAba. I will have more on this latter in this presentation.

Now, Prophet Noble Drew Ali who was the first to give us the information on our people founding civilization in Arabia, states that the Holy City of Mecca was in the ancient land of Canaan.[10] In a personal correspondence with renowned scholar and archaeologists who wrote the ethnohistory of the Moors in the Book Golden Age of the Moor by Ivan Van Sertima, after giving her the excerpts of our Moorish Holy Koran (also called the Circle 7 Koran) had this to say concerning such:
“I am not sure who Noble Drew is but he seems to have known through some other esoteric oral means much of what I had also come to realize. Many ancient and medieval writers like Procopius also claimed the Canaanite peoples took over the North African area and settled in places like the Balaeric Islands as well. Of course there is also evidence certain Moorish individuals made it to America. It is my belief the original Canaan in Afro-Asiatic tradition is in the area south of Mecca stretching into the Asir Tihama and Yemen. They left there first as Moabites (named from chief Mu'awia), Hamathite (Hamadi), Madianites, Amalek (Melukhha the modern Amluch), Hittites (named from Hadah or Heth, now knwon Hada'Ndawa), and moved north into Syria and East Africa probably in the Hyksos time period. Many people don't know these are the names of African-looking people still living in the area of Yemen and in areas across the red sea in Africa. Of course Canaanites are called black in almost all references including those of Syrians and other Arabized peoples - including Ibn Khaldun, Al Dimasqi, Masudi, and numerous writers refer to the Berbers as being black because of their Canaanite origins.”
So not only does she give her scholastic opinion, she also cites many early Islamic scholars who said the same exact thing. Some of these sources I have reviewed myself which lead me to believe that the Aryanization of Islam has at its roots, this Canaanite origin of the Moorish people and why they, the Moors of Islam, were treated in the same manner that Christian Europeans treated our people all for the purpose of concealing these facts. Of course, this is my honest opinion. In Mosques in Algiers however, many people of Moorish descent who still identify themselves as being of Moabite (Mozabite) descent, are not allowed into the Mosques[11] although no such provisions are mentioned in the Koran of Mecca, it gives us a glimpse at how the original message of Prophet Mohammad was corrupted and the obnoxious elements of Christian European racism was adopted by the fairer skinned people of Al-Islam.

Early scholars of the 1700’s spoke of the Sabas in what we know now today as Ethiopia and specifically noting that Sabas was also the ancient name of Meroe[12] which unequivocally intimates that the people of Meroe were viewed as the same exact people called the Sabas or Sabeans. They have detailed that there was in fact another Sabas near Adulis on the Arabian Gulf, answering to the Sabas of Arabia with the Gulf lying between them so that the two Sabas that are mentioned in Psalms 72:10 are made to correspond where it says “The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts.”

Another early source I came across dating back to the late 1800’s called The historical geography of Arabia, in a chapter entitled SABÆI AND HOMERITÆ: SABATHA METROPOLIS: SABBAR METROPOLIS, we read:
“According to native authorities, the once famous kingdom of the Sabeans of Yemen… whose capital Sabas (agreeably to a known Arab usage) we learn from Agatharchides, gave name to, or rather received its name from, this illustrious people,… at a period seemingly long prior to our era, had yielded its supremacy to that of the Homerites: a race of conquerors from the north of the peninsula, whose commercial settlements we have already traced along the southern coast. Accordingly, in the age of Arrian, we find the two people united under the one king; a Homerite prince, whose seat of government was at Aphar. The respective positions of their capitals will best enable us to discriminate between the two nations.”[13][emphasis added mines]
We could possibly surmise that these “race of conquerors from the north of the peninsula” could be the people of Canaan, specifically the Moabites who lived in what the Romans called Arabia Deserta” and who correspond to sources that say that the very language of the Moabites which was called the Mudar langauge, the language of the Bani Quraish from whence Prophet Mohammad was born, the very same language that the Koran was revealed in (and not the Arabic as we were misled into believing) is said to have come form the north.[14] You will find that in the note that I have posted above as well. In the next chapter, SABAS, OR SABATHA METROPOLIS., we read:
“The Sabas of Abatharchides is obviously the same with the Sabatha of Ptolemy and Arrian; a chief city of the interior, seated on a hill, situated due north of Kanè emporium, in lat. 16˚20’. The site, the longitude, the latitude, all concur in identifying this metropolis with the Mâreb of the Arabs; which stands upon a hill, amids an amphitheatre of mountains, due north of Hussan Ghoráb (the ancient Kanè), in about lat. 15˚50’ according to d’Anvill. In Mâreb, we have the metropolis of the Kingdom and people of the Sabeans.”[15] [added emphasis mines]
There is a reason that I place bold emphasis on the quote that says "which stands upon a hill" I will briefly touch on this forthcoming. This now brings us back to this interesting name of Mar’ib, said to be earlier called Mariaba. This researcher has not found any etymological trace for the name Mar’ib or Mariaba. So in this, I offer my hypothesis on the said name being that it phonetically sounds like the original name of Morocco which was founded by the descendants of ancient Mo’ab i.e. the Moors.

In a journal published in Great Britain and Ireland in 1885 by the Royal Anthropological Institute, it posited the geographical locations and peoples who lived in these regions from Arabia and Africa as a people who correspond with each other. What was interesting was what I came across on page 114 of their journal that states:
“The Jalin claim special consideration as the most numerous, intelligent, and purest of all the Sudanese Arabs. They trace their descent from Abbas, uncle of the Prophet; but their Arabic speech, preserved and spoken with great purity, indicates Hejas as their original home. The chief Jali tribes as enumerated by Munziger, are: Muhammadab, Mikringa, Bagelab, Uâdieh, Gebâlab, Kaliab, Meirefab, Mosellemab, Omarab, Timerab, Kitejab, Giaberab, Aliab, Giuberab, Seidab, Shainab, Megiadab. The final ab of these tribal names is not Arabic, but a Beja patronymic ending, borrowed from the neighbouring Hadendoahs of the Mareb Valley, with whom they have long been intimately associated.”[16] [added emphasis mines]
Firstly, the Jalin or the Jahalin are the inhabitants of the Blue Nile confluence; the Khartoum district who are traders and settlers in the regions of Senaar, Taka, Kordofan, Darfur, and Kaffa. Let us now reveal the identity of Prophet Mohammad’s uncle Abbas. An important Moorish scholar of ninth century Baghdad, noted in his Fakhr al-sūdān alā al-bidan “The Boast of the Blacks over the Whites” that:
“The ten lordly sons of ‘Abd al-Muttalib were deep black (dalham) in color and big/tall (dukhm). When Amir b. al-Tufayl saw them circumambulating (the Ka’ba) like dark camels, he said, “With such men as these is the custody of the Ka’ba preserved.” Abd Allah b. Abbas was very black and tall. Those of Abu Talib’s family, who are the most noble of men, are more or less black (såd).[17]
This account is important because it gives to the racial identity of the family of Prophet Mohammad (although this early Islamic scholar is using the terminology “black” picked up by the Europeans in describing peoples of Moorish descent), because it details that ‘Abd al-Muttalib and his ten sons were full blooded Moors and pure Arabs with ‘Abd al-Muttalib being the paternal grandfather of the Prophet Mohammad.[18] There are so many sources that correspond to the racial identity of Prophet Mohammad and his closest relatives that for this treatise, it would be redundant to list them all here. Seek out the scholastic works of Dr. Wesley Muhammad, Phd., who has done critical research in this field for deeper analysis of this specific topic.

Now we get to the suffix ‘–ab’ which is ironically found in the name that Moslems of the Moorish Science Temple of America claim in Mo’ab that we have from the ancients. In doing research into the Moabites whom were irrefutably the Moors who went to conquer Spain and whom inhabited the Northwestern and Southwestern shores of Africa, I came across an interesting source which listed the actual name of Morocco in its glossary. I have captured a screenshot of this rare book to give to the reader a visual reference of the text and the footnotes it corresponds with.
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And we find in the glossary what is known as the list of proper names in the very same book that Marab is the original name for Morocco.[19] It is clear that Marocc or Marak is the French derivation of what we have in the English today as Morocco. This very book is based on the Matter of France and their dealings with Charlemagne,[20] founder of the Carolingian Empire, which began 768 A.D.

As I have hypothesized before in my videos and blogs, when we see the name Mo’ab or Mo’av as it is written in the biblical Hebraic sense, the apostrophe (’) in the middle of Mo and ab appears to serve as a phoneme. A phoneme is the smallest possible sound in a word. For instance, if you take the ‘e’ of fishes to represent the second vowel phoneme of that word, then you can hear that in fish's the apostrophe represents that same vowel phoneme sound 'e'. Ironically enough, when you add an apostrophe at the end of English names, the resulting sound is a ‘Z’ sound which adds to my theory on why we get the name Shabazz from Sabas. This is what you get with Mo’ab. It can then logically be written like this Mo[R]ab and is undoubtedly why we get the name of the Moors in North Africa of Spain mentioned as the Morabites and Almoravids.

This then leads me to the Beja language to find the exact meaning of what this word ab defines. According to one Beja language dictionary that was compiled by sociolinguist R. A. Hudson, who is a professor of linguistics at the University College of London, we find the meaning to the Beja meaning of the name ‘ab’.

He lists in his dictionary on the Beja language that ab and abḁ means “kid” and if I am reading it correctly, aba is plural of ab.[21] Now, when we look at the ancient name of Mareb/Ma’rib or more properly as “Mariaba”, we can infer that this name is a compound word with the MARI and the ABA being two separate words compounded to form one. It is quite possible, just based off the Beja meaning of the word ab, that aba in this instance, means “children of” and that Mari, as I have noted in my video titled “ARE ALL SO CALLED BLACK PEOPLE MOORS” is the ancient name of the mystical place of descent of our people.
The very city of the ancient Moabites was called Ur or Ar. One can strongly theorize that the very word Arab, to where Ar and ab are connected in much the same way as Mo’ab and Ma’rib is transliterated, based on what we have noted above, are in fact two compound words with Ar being the ancient place name which has several suggested meanings e.g. “city” and “light”, and ab meaning “the children of”. So we can at this point, make a strong case that the very name AR'AB means “children of Ar” which would certainly be a more recent designation probably dating back to the time of Mohammad in which we get the term wanderers in connection with the name Arab noting that they came from elsewhere. In the bible, Arabia is called East Country (Smiths, pg. 23) (Num. 23:7).

As cited in this note, and many other sources that I have listed elsewhere, the very origin of our ancestors, these Moors, are said to be based on ancient myths much like the tribe of Shabazz. For instance, the Roman historian Gaius Sallustius Crispus, who is known more by his anglicised name as Sallust (86 BC – c. 35 BC) maintained that the Moors were a “remnant of the army of Hercules” [22] which gives us insight into how the Greeks actually saw the Moor as strong and fierce warriors, descendants of a God.

We find the name Moor, in reference to whom the Greeks called “Ethiopians” mentioned in ancient records of the Chaldeans (Babylonians) under the name “Mirukh.”[23] The Hindus knew our ancient fathers by the name “Meru.”[24] The Greeks knew our ancient ancestors as the Meropes.[25] And the Egyptians, recorded themselves as TA-MER-AU[26] with the "Ta" meaning "land of" and the “au” denoting plurality as in the name of the people collectively leaving us then with "MER."

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We can safely assume that the “-ukh” in Mirukh, the “-u” in Meru and the “-opes” in Meropes, also linguistically represents plurality. All of these names are centered on a people issued form a mountain or a man-made mountain, i.e. pyramid. The Greeks say that the Meropes were the first men issued from a place of the same name. The Hindu say the same exact thing about the men of Meru and early scholars have intimated that all of these different variations of these, our ancestors, are one and the same, including Meroe of Cushite fame[27], which was founded by our Cushitic ancestors in the 25th dynasty Africa though it had its roots in the Asiatic nations. Godfrey Higgins in his Anacalypsis not only speaks of the origin of man as Mount Meru, but he specifically cites the Sabeans as the people who descend from this sacred Mount. From page 354 we read:

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Godfrey Higgins seems to confirm definitively in the above based on a source he obviously reviewed and cited that the Sabeans were in fact the people descended from this sacred Mount. This theme with some sort of mountain can be found everywhere. When the Moors conquered Spain for instance, they captured a town at the foot of the Esparteros mountain and renamed it “Moron”.[28] We find in all of these ancient dwelling places of the Moors who would later come to be known as the Sabas, that there is some city of their dominion with this /mir/mor/mar/mer name attached to it and most of the time, it is associated with a high place like ancient Mareb (Ma’rib/Mariaba) which was anciently situated upon a hill. When confronted with these names, Eurocentric historians tried to play down these places containing these names by saying that these names had no real ethnical value and the backdrop to this is because it is all shrouded in a mystery that European scholars just have not been able to crack or refused to reveal. Again, I will go more in-depth on this in my book on this topic.

In an 1841 works titled History of the Moors of Spain by an author simply known as “Florian” , we find the most interesting account in that, as noted previously in this work, speaks to this “mythical” and ambiguous origin of the Moors that Godfrey Higgins with confidence concluded. It reads:
“The origin of the Moors, or Mauritanians, is like that of most other ancient nations, obscure, and in the information we possess concerning their history confusedly mingled with fables. The fact, however, appears to be established, that Asiatic emigrations were, from the earliest times, made into Africa. In addition to this, the historians of remote ages, speak of a certain Meleck Yafrick, king of Arabia Felix, who conducted a people called Sabæi into Libya [Libya is anciently the Northern portions of Africa], made himself master of that country, established his followers there, and gave it the name of Africa. It is from these Sabians or Sabæi that the principle Moorish tribes pretend to trace their descent. The derivation of the name Moors is also supposed, in some degree, to confirm the impression that they came originally from Asia [Meru was anciently situated in Asia]. But, without enlarging upon these ancient statements, let it suffice to say, that nearly certain ground exists for the belief that the original Moors were Arabians. In confirmation of this impression, we find that, during every period of the existence of their race, the descendants of the primitive inhabitants of Mauritania have, like the Arabs, been divided into distinct tribes, and, like them, have pursued a wild wandering mode of existence.”[29] [added emphasis mines]
The Moslem historiographer and historian Ibn Khaldun (1332 AD/732 AH – 1406 AD/808 AH) who has been deemed as a biased and racist Islamic scholar by some critics of his works, including myself, gave his own interpretation, obviously borrowing from the biblical accounts and the diffusion of Euro-occidental thought with Islamic scholarship, as to the reason why the Moors or Berbers were dark complexioned. He writes:
“Ham, having become black because of a curse pronounced against him by his father, fled to the Maghrib to hide in shame.... Berber, son of Kesloudjim [Casluhim], one of his descendants, left numerous posterity in the Maghrib”[30]
Such a myth as has been espoused may be the source as to why it is popularly believed that Ham was the recipient of this curse and not Canaan whom the bible falsely lists as having been cursed by Noah. In doing this research alone, I have come across many early works who uses Khalduns works to identify just exactly who the Hamites were. I will expand these sources in the book. The very fact that Ibn Khaldun called our people “blacks” proves this because this stigma of Euro-concocted black or negro race is attached to our people up until this day. Such practices have been accepted by Moslems of fairer complexions to this day and is the reason why in certain Mosques in the Islamic world as I have noted above, because of our Moabite origin, are rejected from entering Mosques for worship. So we can understand why Prophet Noble Drew Ali not only brought to us our true and divine religion of Islam, to which he called that “old time religion” we also see why Elijah Muhammad himself took this model as well and extended a more refined modernized or Americanized version of Islam to our people. He himself was quoted as saying:
"I have always had a very high opinion of both the late Noble Drew Ali and Marcus Garvey and admired their courage in helping our people (the so called negroes) and appreciate their work. Both of these men were fine Muslims. The followers of Noble Drew Ali and Marcus Garvey should now follow me and co-operate with us in our work because we are only trying to finish up what those before us started. In Islam alone shall we find the success we desire.”[32]
To continue, there are so many sources that wholly agree with what Prophet Noble Drew Ali informed us of when speaking of the Canaanite origins of those who would come to inhabit Africa:
“There were four sons of Ham, from whom sprang following nations. Cush, from whom the Ethiopians were begotten. Mesraim (i.e. Egypt), from whom the Egyptians are said to have risen. Put, from whom the Libyans – whence the river of Mauretania is called Put still today, and the whole region around it is called Puthensis. Finally Canaan, from whom descended the Africans and the Phoenicians and the ten tribes of Canaanites.”[33]
This leads us to the most interesting of legends concerning the three Wise Men of what can be called “biblical fame”, but as we shall undoubtedly see, is of no biblical mythos whatsoever. One should note that, everything copied into the bible, does not have its origins there.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali informs us in the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America (also known as the Circle Seven Koran) of the national and Moorish descent origin of Prophet Jesus. He informs us that “Jesus himself was of the true blood of the ancient Canaanites and Moabites and the inhabitants of Africa.”[34] These Canaanites and Moabites would have unequivocally been the same exact people that is spoken of as having their origins in ancient Arabia which I have no doubt was a part of ancient Canaan.

One of the accounts surrounding Prophet Jesus is shrouded in equal mythic mysticism as the origin of the Moors themselves and it concerns the “fabled” Three Wise Men also called the Magi. In the same book mentioned above detailing the historical geography of Arabia, an interesting passage caught my attention pertaining to the Magi which connected like a jigsaw puzzle to the information that I have just come across recently as I researched for this tract. It says this:
“THE Magi – The tradition of the church, and opinion of the learned, with nearly one voice, lead us to seek in Arabia the seat of these eastern sages. Justin Martyr, Tertullian, St. Cyprian, Epiphanius, among the ancients, Baronius, Lightfoot, Ussher, Grotius, among the moderns, sufficiently represent the consenting judgment of fathers and commentators, upon this interesting topic. This general consent is trebly justified, 1. by the authority of the prophetic Scriptures, which bring the kings of Arabia, to offer its peculiar products, at the feet of the infant Messiah; 2. by the position of the Arabian peninsula, which is commonly described, in the Old Testament, as lying to the east of Jerusalem and Palestine; and, 3. by the joint testimony of Pliny and Ptolemy, who speak of Arabia as a seat or school of Magi; the very title which Saint Matthew designates the wise men in the Gospel.”[35]
“to Epiphanius, or rather to an ancient tradition preserved by him, the Magi, or wise men of the Gospel, were of the family of Keturah. Morden (who wrote in the seventeenth century), in his General Geography, with apparent allusion to this tradition, makes these eastern Magi natives of Sabe, or Sabeansof the neighborhood of the Euprhates.”[36][emphasis mines]
Notice the mention of Keturah (incense). According to their biblical accounts, she is the 3rd wife of Abraham who is called the patriarch of a specific biblical line. She is almost never mentioned in scriptures and the only way we find the true meaning of this eponym is through her eponymous sons. The sons of Keturah by Abraham are; Jokshan (fowler?), Zimran (sung), Medan (strife), Shuah (pit, also listed as a descendant of Judah), Ishbak (leaving), and Midian (strife). All of these are dark brown skinned Moors of Arabia and what you notice is that Midian and Medan are said to mean strife which shows us that these are the same people and probably represent different locations at differing times given these pejorative names by the so called Jews who wrote these scriptures and altered names and meanings. The very fact that the Joshuaites (Hebrew writers) gives them the name strife proves this and also, as I have noted earlier, proves that these were Canaanite tribes because they always gave pejorative meanings for the Moors of ancient Canaan. The Midianites and the Moabites share a close affinity in the Europeans bible[37] which means in all actuality, they were anciently connected and probably of the same stock just occupying different regions.

What we are witnessing in the quote above is first and foremost these three wise men or Magi come from ancient Arabia, more specifically, by some accounts, in the neighborhood of the Euprhates. In the Europeans bible, the Moabites in the form of Abraham (father of multitudes) came into Canaan, came to this specific region to which the Romans designated Arabia Deserta, and settled. I have cross referenced several different pieces of information to which most early scholars have agreed to the source above in that these Magi did in fact come from ancient Arabia. I also implore all to research every aspect of this note so that you may see for yourselves what I have come to uncover in tracing our true descent.

In order to understand the intrigue behind these three wise men, we must look to Europe for our answer. The very name of these three wise men are as followed:

King Melchior

King Kaspar

King Balthazar

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This is what is called the “mythical coat of arms” related to these three men.

The coat of arms of King Melchoir is a field of seven stars. These would be no doubt connected to the ancient seven planetary system to which we Moorish American Moslems call the Seven Eyes of Allah. The coat of arms of Kaspar bears the crescent Moon and star . It was Prophet Noble Drew Ali who first brought this symbol to the U.S. and said it is the symbol of our ancient ancestors and the seal of the Prophets. I have shown on many occasions that the Moabites would use the crescent moon and star in combo on their official name seals dating back at least to 13th century B.C. proving the antiquity of this particular motif (Keel, Uehlinge (1998) pg. 322) and why this particular symbol is used among Moslems mainly in North Africa and not necessarily with the founding of the religion of Al-Islam.. The coat of arms of Balthazar, it is in the image of what the Europeans dubbed the “black-a-Moor.” The Moors are always shown wearing the headband showing a unique connection to the history of the ancient Canaanites to which I highlight in my video on the ancient Canaanites, Moabites and Moors.

The interesting thing about this as well is that there exists another coat of arms for Melchoir which is said to be connected to the Heider family coat of arms, a German family who claims to have lineal descent to this ancient Moorish Magi and is the reason why the Heider coat of arms has the Moor or as they called us the “black-a-moor” emblazoned upon their escutcheons.[38] I will have much to share concerning these finds in upcoming works.

The reason why this aspect is so important, is because it reveals to us the identity of the lost tribe of the Sabas, who were unquestionably situated in the Northwestern and Southwestern shores of Africa, who are the “children of Mari” based on my opinion to which we can conceivably designate as MO’AB and the very name that they gave this land that we know today as Morocco, is MARAB, to where they migrated, and we get Prophet Noble Drew Ali coming back to reveal to us that we are NOT BLACK PEOPLE, NEGROES, or COLORED persons but that WE ARE MOORS who are the ancient Canaanites and Moabites and that he himself, was Prophet Jesus manifest again for these days and times and raised up the lost but now found nation of Moab, who also had the designation of Sabas of which Elijah Muhammad phonetically gave to his flock as Shabazz. So we can now trace the lineal descent of the Moabites or Moors who were later called the Sabas from a city that came to fame in historical chronology and scriptural history (however distorted), to which has shown us that there is always one sent to raise his people back up to the state of God-Men or Allah in Man (Emmanu-El) and it is without a doubt, based on the provable theology espoused by the Moorish American Moslems, thought once to be myth and laughed off as such, the historicity in the doctrine that Prophet Noble Drew Ali has brought to us, which lead to many offspring organizations like the Nation of Islam as Elijah Muhammad admitted that he was carrying on the work of Prophet Noble Drew Ali who did bring Islam to our people in 1913, which produced many political and other Islamic styled organizations, then it is no doubt that the Prophet’s claim of his messiahship, can be traced, rectified, and reconciled with the information that Elijah Muhammad taught to his followers insofar as this particular tribe is concerned.

This concludes this note for now. I had to cut this one short because it is a part of a larger treatise that firstly would not all fit here, and secondly, to see if ones will do any research into this particular note, that which will be under appreciated by an ever flippant audience of men usually too dogmatic and obstinate in their own doublethink, to accept anything outside of what they have heard or believed to be truthful. Those true followers of truth, will see this information for what it is and do their own due diligence into it and find that there is no other way to reconcile the lost tribe of Shabazz particularly if you say that these were real people whom Elijah Muhammad himself has placed in Arabia and upon the Nile. This is my humble service to you all in providing a critical aspect of linking the two ideologies together whether you accept it or not.

Peace, Sheik Way-El

Sources and references


[1] Message to the Black Man in America by Elijah Muhammad

[2] EASTERN BERBERIA, or The East African Roots of the Original Berber Peoples

[3] Luis del Marmol Carvajal, 1520A.D. - Spanish traveler and chronicler from Granada. [4] Keane, 1920, p. 73 and see fn. 1

[5] West African Studies By Mary Henrietta Kingsley, Charles Napoléon Cardi (comte de.), John Harford, published 1899 pg. 456

[6] Higgins, Godfrey, Anacalypsis: An attempt to draw aside the viel of the Saitic Isis. Or an inquiry into the origin of languages, nations, and religions, 1836, The Cushites were Arabians, pg. 52

[7] Encyclopedia Britannica]

[8] Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America Ch. 47 v. 1

[9] Ibid, Ch. 45 v. 2

[10] Moorish American Questionnaire (101’s) Quest. 53

[11] The Tricolor on the Atlas: or, Algeria and the French conquest By Moritz Wagner, Ferencz Aurelius Pulszky 1854, pg. 198

[12] A Dictionary of Ancient Geography: Explaining the Local Appellations in Sacred Grecian and Roman History, By Alexander MacBean, Samuel Johnson 1773 (no page numbers) [13] The historical geography of Arabia: or the patriarchal evidences of revealed religion By Charles Forster 1844 pp. 273

[14] “As mentioned before, the original home of Arabic – the Arabic of the Qur’ān and of literature – may be traced to the northwestern region of the Arabian Peninsula… The northern region is regarded as the home of the Mudar language, the forerunner of Arabic; and the southern region is considered the locus of the Himyarite language spoken by the Yemenites and their neighbors. This division became more pronounced after the rise and expansion of Islām, when the Mudar language was accorded supreme attributes and superior qualities. Such views were rationalized by pointing to the fact that the Qur’ān was revealed in one of the Mudar dialects, the dialect of the Quraysh tribe.” Arabic Language By Anwar G. Chejne, Chejne, Chejne, pp. 34-35

[15] Forster, pp. 273-274

[16] Journal, Volume 14 By Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 1885 pg. 112

[17] Al-JaÈií, Fakhr al-sådan ala al-bidan, in Risa"il Al-JaÈií, 4 vols. (1964/1384) I:209.

[18] al-Dhahabī, Siyar, V:253

[19] Karlamagnús Saga: The Saga of Charlemagne and His Heroes, Volume 2, Part 4 pp 86, 437

[20] The Matter of France.

[21] A DICTIONARY OF BEJA R.A. Hudson February 10, 2012

[22] de. Bell. Jugurth. C. 21

[23] “Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire” Druscilla Dunjee Houston 1926, pg. 127

[24] “Paradise found: the cradle of the human race at the North pole; a study of the prehistoric world” William Fairfield Warren 1885, pg. 236

[25] “Har-Moad: or, The mountain of the assembly. A series of archaeological studies, chiefly from the standpoint of the Cuneiform inscriptions” By Orlando Dana Miller, Stephen Munson Whipple1891, pg. 406

[26] An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary Vol II: With an Index of English Words, King List, and Geographical List with Indexes, List of Hieroglyphic Characters, Coptic and Semitic Alphabets, Wallace Budge 1920, pg. 815

[27] Willford in Asiatic researches, vol. viii, 1794, pg. 289

[28] Lecture by Iman J. Wilkens to the 'Herodoteans', Classical Society of the University of Cambridge, UK 26th May 1992]

[29] History of the Moors of Spain By Florian 1841 pp. 19-20

[30] Smith, 2003. “What happened to the ancient Libyans? Chasing sources across the Sahara from Herodotus to Ibn Khaldun,” Journal of World History 14:4, p. 482 [31] The Tricolor on the Atlas: or, Algeria and the French conquest By Moritz Wagner, Ferencz Aurelius Pulszky pg. 198

[32] The Supreme Wisdom, Volume 2 By Elijah Muhammad, 2008, pg. 84

[33] The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville published 2006 pg. 193

[34] Ch. 46 v. 2

[35] The historical geography of Arabia: or the patriarchal evidences of revealed religion By Charles Forster 1844 pp. 304-305

[36] Ibid, pg. 327

[37] Numbers 25, 31:1-16, 1 Kings 11:7 Solomon built shrines on a hill east of Jerusalem to worship Chemosh the disgusting god of Moab, and Molech the disgusting god of Ammon. 8 In fact, he built a shrine for each of his foreign wives, so all of them could burn incense and offer sacrifices to their own gods.


Additional sources

An Universal History: The Ancient Part, Volume 18 T. Osborne, (1748)

Gods, Goddesses, And Images of God By Othmar Keel, Christoph Uehlinge (1998)

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Moorish, who were ancient Moabites, and the founders of the Holy City of Mecca” Connecting the critical dots

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Islam (Peace)and greetings to you all.

In this essay, we will expound upon another critical piece of history as was given us by our Holy Prophet, Noble Drew Ali (May the Peace and Blessings of Allah Eternally be Upon Him). The above cited “The Moorish, who were ancient Moabites, and the founders of the Holy City of Mecca” which can be found in the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America at Ch. 45 v. 2, is one of those elusive topics pertaining to our Moorish history as presented by our Prophet Noble Drew Ali. A lot of this information regarding the Koran of the Moors (also called the Circle 7 Koran) has been vague at best for the better part of 90 years and it has been through the guidance of Allah and the teaching of Prophet Noble Drew Ali that we new Moors whom the Prophet prophesied would come in one day eyes wide open, have been able to uncover the most of it. The weighty evidence of this subject will in and of itself give some conformation to the claims made by our Prophet and our Moorish origins (whom some call black or African) of Arabia which has been washed out by supplants to the region of Arabia over the past 2000-3000 years not to mention, the scholars who "whitewashed" history. We find the same thing in Colchis, Libya, Morocco, Tunis, Algiers etc., where the original Moorish inhabitants are not to be found and if found, in traces living in abject poverty.

Because of this, presenting physical proof of the Moabite founding of Mecca caused me to look at extraneous but intimate primary substantiation outside of the current occupiers of the Holy City and the region in general. The first thing I did was looked into the language, and then I looked into the Gods of pre-Islamic Arabia. Thanks to the works by sisters like that indefatigable scholar Dana Marniche and brothers like Wesley Muhammad, who are expert scholars on pre-Aryanized and Euro-Christianized Islam and the region it corresponds with, namely Arabia, a lot of the research for this note was easy to piece together. Certain aspects however, were a little more difficult.

Now to give some credence to the claim. In the book Egyptian Romany: the essence of Hispania, By Moustafa Gadalla on page 150 we read:

“This combined alliance of rulers [Berbers and Arabs], mercenaries, and tax collectors had a common origin – the Moabi desert region. Diodorus, Book I, [28, 1-4], tells of an Egyptian colony at present-day Moab, which is the origin of the Arab and Jews who collaborated to govern in Iberia,

‘... that the nation of the Colchi in Pontus and that of the Jews, which lies between Arabia and Syria, were founded as colonies by certain emigrants from their country [Egypt]; and this is the reason why it is long-established institution among these two peoples to circumcise their male children, the custom having been brought over from Egypt."

The location mentioned by Diodorus is the vicinity of the Moab. This location of Moab is very important in understanding the identification of the Moorish alliance, and thus the dynamics and history in Iberia. Moab is the origin of three groups – Arabs (Syrians), Berbers, and Jews – that joined forces to control Moorish Spain.”[added emphasis mines]

This coincides directly with the lost historical accounts as given to us in Chapter 47 verse 6 of the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America (Circle 7) by Prophet Noble Drew Ali where it says and I quote:

“The Moabites from the land of Moab who received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle and inhabit North-West Africa; they were the founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire. With their Canaanite, Hittite, and Amorite bretheren who sojourned from the land of Canaan seeking new homes.”
The very fact that the Hittites represent a ruling class among the ancient Moors and were once regarded as hereditary rulers of the world is evidence by our words Kaiser, Czar, Caesar, Castle (abode of Kassites), Castilla (a name of Spain), Cadiz (a Spanish city), Cathay (China), Catholic (Universal), Cathedral (Hittite Temple) Chateau (Hittite Manor House), Satrap, cash (the money issued by the leaders), Cossak, Kazar, Goth, etc., plus similar terms existing among Native Americans. For example, among the Eskimos, village buildings used for ceremonial and governmental purposes are called Kashim. Several sources list them as Cushites(Matlock 2000 pg. 73).

In the same manner we find the Amorites that Noble Drew Ali claimed joined the Moabites in Morocco and those other North African Kingdoms, and also here in the west. Sources list the Amorites as the "mothers of Jerusalem" and are called Maruts or Maruta(another linguistic root on today's word Moor?) who were viewed as mythic demigods in ancient Indic lore. These Amorites appear side by side with the ancient Hittites, Kassites and Cushites throughout the ancient world (Matlock pg. 29-30).

We can cross reference this by looking at several sources as well where we find the Moslem armies who conquered Spain cited as Moors, Moabites, Saracens, Ethiopians, Parthians, Africans, Persians[1] Hagarenes, pagans, Ishmaelites, Chaldeans, and Amorites.[2]. This is the collective Mohammedan nation whom were called Moors, Hagarenes and Saracens and why Moors have a picture of SULTAN ABDUL AZIZ IBU SUAD within the pages of our Moorish Koran. It stems from an ancient relationship that most do not understand until now.

We read further in Egyptian Romany on page 150 that:

“The Moabi region was also the source of the Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic/Syriac dialects, which were offshoots of the Ancient Egypt language. Ibn Hazm (died 1064), the medieval Arabic scholar of Córdoba, recognized that Aramaic/Syriac, Hebrew, and Arabic were kindred dialects, derived from the Mudar, the dialect in which the Koran had been disclosed. Later in chapter 12, we will show that Mudar is an Ancient Egyptian term meaning language, and that all three languages/dialects are offshoots of the Ancient Egyptian language. The Moorish alliance never forgot their Moabi origin. Christian chronicles sometimes referred to the Almoravids as “Moabites”. There are numerous references to the “Moabites” in the Chronica Adephonsi [e.g. [35], [42], [53], [96], [127]; the references are to paragraphs] and the reference to “Ali” and “Texufinus (Tashufin) as kings of the Moabites would seem to support their theory that this term refers to Almoravids” [any emphasis mines]

Now, if any have seen the video we have compiled entitled “THE ANCIENT CANNANITES, Pt. 2, The Moabites”

We see unequivocal proof that the Moabites, who are indeed the Moors of North Africa also called by their "Semetic" ancient designation, “Berbers” as being one and the same. The Egyptian relationship to the Moors or Moabites was also noted by one of our luminaries in the reconstruction of our history, who wrote the book STOLEN LEGACY, one George. G.M. James, says on pages 31-32:

“During the Persian, Greek and Roman invasions, large numbers of Egyptians fled not only to the desert and mountain regions, but also to adjacent lands in Africa, Arabia and Asia Minor, where they lived and secretly developed the teachings which belonged to their mystery system. In the 8th century AD the Moors, i.e .natives of Mauritania in North Africa, invaded Spain and took with them, the Egyptians culture which they had preserved. Knowledge in the ancient days was centralized i.e., it belonged to a common parent and system, i.e. the Wisdom Teachings or Mysteries of Egypt, which the Greeks used to call Sophia.

As such, the people of North Africa were the neighbors of the Egyptians, and became the custodians of Egyptian culture, which they spread through considerable portions of Africa, Asia Minor and Europe. During their occupation of Spain, the Moors displayed the considerable credit, the grandeur of African culture and civilization. The schools and libraries which they established became famous throughout the Medieval world; science and learning were cultivated and taught; the schools of Cordova, Toledo, Seville and Saragossa attained such celebrity, that they, like their parent Egypt, attracted students from all parts of the Western world; and from them arose the most famous African professors the world has ever known, in medicine, surgery, astronomy and mathematics. But these people from North Africa did more than merely distinguish themselves in Spain. They were really the recognized custodians of African culture, to whom the world looked for enlightenment. Consequently, through the medium of the ancient Arabic language, philosophy and various branches of science were disseminated: (a) all the so-called works of Aristotle in Metaphysics, moral philosophy and natural science (b) translations of Leonardo Pisano in Arabic mathematical science (c) translation by Gideo a Monk of Arezzo in musical notation.

In addition, the Moors kept up constant contact with mother Egypt: for they had established Caliphates not only at Baghdad and Cordova, but also at Cairo in Egypt. (Europe in the Middle Ages by Ault p. 216-219) Just here it would be well to mention that all the great leaders of the great religions of antiquity were Initiates of the Egyptian Mystery System: from Moses, who was an Egyptian Hierogrammat, down to Christ.”

So it is clear, according to John G. Jackson’s research, that the Moors whom recaptured Spain, for history shows that this was once a Moorish land[3], the Moabites, also called Berbers, were indeed the preservers of the Egyptian mysteries system and produced the wonderful edifices like the Alhambra as proof of this claim. We continue to read from page 169 of Egyptian Romany:

“Tracing the history of the Arabic language will lead us to Ancient Egypt. Ibn Hazm, the medieval Arabic scholar of Córdoba (d. 1064), recognized that Aramaic/Syriac, Hebrew and Arabic were kindred dialects, derived from the Mudar, the dialect in which the Koran had been disclosed. The original home of Arabic – the Arabic of the Koran – came from the Northwestern Arabian Peninsula. These three kindred dialects (Aramaic/Syriac, Hebrew, and Arabic) originated from the Moab region, which was under control of Ancient Egypt [discussed in chapter 11]. It is therefore a logical step to consider the role of the Ancient Egypt language, as it relates to the later formulated Arabic language. To decipher the Ancient Egyptian language and its grammar and syntax, modern-day Egyptologists studied the Arabic language. They assumed that Arabic, being an offshoot of the Ancient Egyptian language, would share much of the same grammar/syntax and vocabulary. It was generally the right assumption and thus Egyptologists were able to address the subject of the Ancient Egyptian grammar and syntax. The Ancient Egyptian-controlled Moabi region is regarded as the home of the Mudar language, the forerunner of Arabic. The name Mudar is an abbreviated form of the ancient Egyptian term, Medu-Neter, meaning the words/language of angels/gods. It is no accident that Moslems say that Arabic is the “language of Angels”, in imitation of the Ancient Egyptian Medu Neter. The people of this ancient Egyptian colony (Moabi) spoke and wrote the Egyptian language. Scripts found in the Moabi region look exactly like the Ancient Egyptian demotic style of writing. [as shown on page 186-7]. The Egyptians were the only people in the Moabi region who had an available writing surface (papyri), and its associated writing tools of pens and inks. When Ancient Egypt lost power in Asia, there was no one to maintain a literate Mudar Language, and as a result no more than a handful of written texts were found, because writing was/is not part of the nomadic life – a fact that was also affirmed by Ibn Khaldun in his Muqaddima, as shown in the last chapter of this book.”[added emphasis mines]

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As you can see in the chart above, taken from said book, and as he mentions on page 170, the Moabite language Mudar and the Demotic are one and the same would have been no doubt nearly exact in pronunciation to certain original Egyptian words but with the insertion of vowels as is common with spoken communicative speech. It is also clear to conclude that in the Moabite region, those Moors developed a language based on the Egyptian spoken language as true descendants of the "original" Egyptians (Hamathites). These were probably the Moors that were displaced from lower Egypt who worshiped Set who juxtaposes with the ancient Canaanite God Baal.

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Moabite stone or Mesha stela 13th century B.C.

Renowned Arabic scholar Anwar Chejne, concerning the origins of the Arabic language, stated:

“As mentioned before, the original home of Arabic – the Arabic of the Qur’ān and of literature – may be traced to the northwestern region of the Arabian Peninsula… The northern region is regarded as the home of the Mudar language, the forerunner of Arabic; and the southern region is considered the locus of the Himyarite language spoken by the Yemenites and their neighbors. This division became more pronounced after the rise and expansion of Islām, when the Mudar language was accorded supreme attributes and superior qualities. Such views were rationalized by pointing to the fact that the Qur’ān was revealed in one of the Mudar dialects, the dialect of the Quraysh tribe.”

Arabic (as it is spoken today) follows the ways of the Mudar language. The only loss is that of the vowels indicating the distinction between subject and object. Instead, one uses position within the sentence and syntactic combinations (qara'in) to indicate certain special meanings one wants to express. However, the clarity and eloquence of the Mudar language are greater and more firmly rooted (than those of present-day Arabic)… Therefore, Arabic speech is more concise and uses fewer words and expressions than any other language. This is what was meant in the following remark by Muhammad: "I was given the most comprehensive words, and speech was made short for me." (Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah 13th century)

Concern 2 for the Mudar language was only felt when that language became corrupt through the contact of the true Arabs whom were Moors, with non-Arab transplants, at the time when the Moors gained control of the provinces of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and the Maghrib. At that time the Arabic linguistic habit took on a form different from the one it originally had. The Mudar language was thus transformed into another language. Now, the Qur'an was revealed in the language of the Mudar, and the Prophetical traditions were transmitted in it, and both the Qur'an and the traditions are the basis of Islam. It was feared that, as a result of the disappearance of the Mudar (Moabite) language in which they were revealed, they themselves might be forgotten and no longer be understood. Therefore, a systematic treatment of its laws, a presentation of the analogical formations used in it, and the derivation of its rules were needed. Knowledge of Arabic thus became a science with subdivisions, chapters, premises, and problems. The scholars who cultivated that science called it grammar and Arabic philology. It became a discipline known by heart and fixed in writing, a ladder leading up to the understanding of the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). The relationship of the Mudar language to the Himyarite language was of the same type. Many of the meanings and inflections of the words of the Himyarite language were changed in Mudar usage. This fact is attested by the transmitted material available to us. It is contrary to the opinions of those whose deficient (knowledge) leads them to assume that the Mudar and Himyar languages are one and the same, and who want to interpret the Himyarite language according to the formations and rules of the Mudar language.[4]

The close connection of the Moabites and the Egyptians has been duly noted in previous works of mines like the video I cited above in where empirical evidence is shown in the form of archaeological relics. The Balu’a stele, which dates back to around the 13th century B.C., shows a Moabite ruler being given the scepter of rule by an Egyptian Pharaoh and Goddess deity.

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So when Prophet Noble Drew Ali informs us in chapter 47 verse 6 of the Moorish Koran that:

“The Moabites from the land of Moab who received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle and inhabit North-West Africa; they were the founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire.”
Then we now have empirical data that suggest such a relationship existed between Moab and Egypt and can reasonably conclude that the original inhabitants of Moab emigrated to when the lighter skinned nations (Joshua) took over that ancient dominion of the old world.

One of the mystical cities as cited in the pyramid texts dating back to as early as 2400-2300 BC, speaks of a place called Bekka. According to E.A. Wallis Budge and his version of the Pert Em Heru (the coming forth by day) or as he calls it, “THE BOOK OF THE DEAD” we read in the introduction entitled THE PRINCIPLE GEOGRAPHICAL AND MYTHOLOGICAL PLACES IN THE BOOK OF THE DEAD, on page cxxxiii, we read:

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We also find in this crossed referenced and confirmed in An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary Vol II: With an Index of English Words, King List, and Geographical List with Indexes, List of Hieroglyphic Characters, Coptic and Semitic Alphabets, pg. 978 By E. A. Wallis Budge

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We see that Bekha is a synonym for the east according to the ancient Egyptians. Conversely, Bekka, is also the original name of Mecca. Bekka, like Mecca, is of “unknown” derivation according to today’s etymologists. Myself not being a scholar or a linguist, nor wanting to be accused of pushing a square peg through a round hole, cannot help but to place Bekka in Mecca in the land of Canaan, that is, Arabia. Of course much more study needs to be done on this point alone but what I have noticed is that where etymologists are unsure, something is usually being concealed and you could only imagine if the Moors of America woke up to the fact that they are the Moabites, and the founders of the ancient city of Mecca, what type of implication this would cause on the Aryanized grip on Islam and the city of Mecca itself. Look at what the Egyptians called Arabia "THE LAND OF GOD". This alone has so many implications but we will not touch on it all here.

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An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary Vol II: With an Index of English Words, King List, and Geographical List with Indexes, List of Hieroglyphic Characters, Coptic and Semitic Alphabets, pg. 978 By E. A. Wallis Budge

The parallels here illume themselves when we consider and weigh the evidence above cited, which proves an ancient connection with ancient Egyptians and the Moabites particularly the language spoken by the Moabites, which is Mudar, the same said to be the “demotic” which is a Greek word that means “popular” (possibly referring to the widely spoken Canaanite tongue) but was referred to by the Egyptians as sš n šˤ.t which means "document writing" thus coined by the early Moabites by the name Mudar, as an ode to its roots being Medu-Neter, and the fact that you find archaeological evidence of Moabite rulers, Pharaohs, and deities together upon artifacts, makes a strong argument that these indeed were one people, and quite possibly represents the parent root of the Egyptian civilization. We confirm the ethno-identity of the Moabites by the oldest known Moabite artifact called the Shihan stele which shows what appears to be a Moabite warrior, chief or God that dates back to 3000-2500 B.C. a time associated with Egypt’s first and second dynasties.

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An artists depiction of the Shihan stela

The kilt of this figure appears to be the same style as the Egyptians and we find such spears, and afro’s among the wooden model of a company of Cushite spearmen fighting for the Egyptian, Dynasty 11-12, ca. 2040-1780 BCE.

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So I have "theoretically" concluded that the Bekha that was synonymous with a mountainous region in the east (ancient Moab was a mountainous region) judging by the glyph of said name, which in later years became Mecca because of a consonant shift, may justly be a transplant name from an earlier source in the Moab region recognized by the Egyptians, which undoubtedly would be in a considerably nearer proximity than modern day Mecca which would be seen east of Egypt whom the Moabites kept up a close relationship with even unto their inhabitation in North Africa. That area was known to the Romans as "ARABIA DESERTA" to which we will highlight later on in this dissertation. We must also add that, one of the earliest known names for Mecca is Mesha, who is in fact the God of the Moabites whose accounts, although distorted, are copied into the bible. These are too many factors that cannot be ignored. Even when looking at Chemosh, Chemosh is simply a corruption of the name for the Babylonian Sun God Shamash and, the fact that Chemosh was worshiped in Arabia by the early Moabites or Arabians as a black stone coupled with the fact that the black stone of the Kaaba is venerated, it is hard to believe that these names have no connection to each other representing one and the same people.

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Taken from a Smith's Bible Dictionary that I have in possession. Possibly dating back to 1966-77

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The seal of KemoS'ur Reddish-brown hard stone seal, dome shaped scaraboid, unperforated and 27.5x25.7 mm. in size. ... The letters are large and deeply incised in high calligraphic style of the 8th century B.C.E. The ethnicity is unmistakable.

According to Islamic tradition, the history of Mecca goes back to Abraham (Ibrahim) who built the Kaaba with the help of his elder son Ishmael around 2000 BCE when the inhabitants of what was then known as Bakkah had fallen away from the original monotheism of Abraham through the influence of the Amelkites.[5] There have been many scholars like sister Dana Marniche and other early scholars whose historical version of events, negates these accounts possibly given by dogmatists or those who sought to write our ancestors out of history.

So it is easy for us to reasonably surmise, in spite of the lack of empirical artifacts, that we can still put forth a strong case, that Abraham, whom would without a doubt be an eponymous ancestor to the Moabites, did travel deep into the Arabian desert from the Chaldean region, and built the Kaaba there in a city already known since Egyptian times as Bekha. I am in this instance, just giving good honest theory here based upon the preponderance of evidence as cited above which makes this correlation highly plausible and hardly debatable.

The name Abraham itself means “Father of the Multitudes” and the name Ammon means “multitude” and Ammon was a chief Berber or Libyan God primarily, which may have been adopted into the Egyptian pantheon at a later date, but it is not doubted the Amon was a ancient God of the Berbers (H. Basset, Les influences puniques chez les Berbères, pp 367-368) to whom shrines were said to have been set up on the sunken Island of Atlantis(History of Ethiopia written by Marcellus), and we find ancient shrines to Ammon in the desert of the Siwa Berbers[6] which was no doubt the most famous oracle of Amon, and the ancient city in Canaan (present day Israel) itself, today, known as Amman (corruption of Ammon), Jordan was once named AMMON which is the eponymous brother to Moab according to the biblical tales. The fact that Christians claimed that the Moors worshiped the pagan God Ammon (Gwynn, Bangert 2010, pg. 487), gives us more weighty evidence.

Again, such correlation from a historical, eponymous, and etiological-mythos standpoint, simply cannot be ignored. Ammon is also the self-same as Amen Ra of Egyptian fame who was worshipped at the city of No (Thebes) in ancient Egypt as well. He was honored by the Ancient Greeks in Cyrenaica, and was united with the Phoenician (Canaanite) God Baal due to Libyan influence.[7] Some depictions of the ram across North Africa belong to the lythic period which is situated between 9600 BC and 7500 BC. The name of the ancient Berber tribes: Garamantes and Nasamonians are believed by some scholars to be related to the name Amon.[8]

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Siwan Berbers today

Many EARLY sources highlights the original Arabian Moabite connections. I will bring you to the book "An introduction to the critical study and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures VOL. III, Volume 3" By Thomas Hartwell Horne. On page 8 we qoute:

“The inhabitants of Arabia, who dwelt there before Abraham came into Canaan, are supposed to have descended from Ham. We find there Midianites, of the race of Cush, among whom Moses retired. Abimelech, king of Gerar, is known in the time of Abraham; and the Amelekites, in the Time of Moses. The Hivites, the Amorites, the Kenites, and the Meonians, or the Mahonians, extended a good way into Arabia Patraea; the Horim occupied the mountaints which lie south of the land of Canaan, and east of the Dead sea. The Rephaim, Emim, Zuzim, and Zamsummim (Gen. xiv. 5; Deut. Ii. 10, 11.) inhabited the country called afterwards Arabia Deserta [The Romans called it by this name], and which was subsequently peopled by the Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites."

“The second Arabians who succeeded these are the descendants of Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar, who came and settled among the ancient Arabians, and was father of the mixed Arabians, or Mota-Arabes, Mosta-Arabes, or Ishmaelites. The pure and ancient Arabians were divided into tribes, as well as the sons of Ishmael. Some of these tribes still exist in Arabia, others are lost and extinct.”

Arabia Deserta was one of three regions into which the Romans divided the Arabian peninsula: Arabia Deserta, Arabia Felix, and Arabia Petraea. As a name for the region, it remained popular into the 19th and 20th centuries. So it is evident, according to the source cited above that, what was known as ARABIA DESERTA by the early cartographers and archaeologists, was subsequently peopled by the Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites which congruously existed in the land via waves of migrations and from this, history records certain names from certain time periods. This gives credence to the claim made by our Holy Prophet, Noble Drew Ali that the Moabites are the founders of the present city of Mecca and why Sultan Abdul Aziz Ibu Suad listed as “The descendant of Hagar, now the head of the Holy City of Mecca” In the Moorish Holy Koran. The Hagarenes in this instance, represent a lighter skin hue peoples married into the tribes of the eponymous Abraham, the father of the multitudes which no doubt represents the early Moors of this region who are truly the fathers and mothers of all nations on the earth. Hagar means “stranger” and we find that the original Arabs did not see lighter nations on equal footing with them and called anyone of a lighter hue, “non-Arabs”.[9]. Abraham’s first wife was named Sarai. Her name means “princess” denoting royalty possibly of the original inhabitants and bloodline of these ancient Moabites. The bible greatly alters the accounts by saying Ishmael was born first by Abraham’s second wife, Hagar. Christian writers collectively called Moabites and Hagarenes “Saracens.”[10][11][12][13][14][15][16]

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Region of Arabia Deserta. Notice that Chaldea/Babylon is right next door

As noted in my video, “Ancient Canaanites pt. 2: the Moabites”, and the video on the origin of the Moors, Abraham descended from Chaldea who were a branch of Hamites, the oldest of our race, that relocated to and I stress, the biblical region of Canaan which is called today Palestine and Israel proper. While in Canaan, they established the city called “Ar” which is a direct phonetic contradistinction to “Ur” of Chaldees.

Let us analyze the word Ur:

• Light - The Hebrew word ‘ur translated as “Ur” is thought by many to mean “flame”. This may be derived from the Hebrew word ‘owr, which means “illumination or (concrete) luminary” light.” (OT:216 Strong's Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary)
• Waking - The implication of “light” may be the origin of the Hebrew word ‘ur, which means “opening the eyes, to wake.” (OT:5782 Strong's Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary) One lexicon defines this as “a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post).” (OT:5892 Strong's Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary)
• City – The implication of “waking” may be the origin of the Hebrew word `iyr which is translated as “city”. One lexicon states, “Various other etymologies have been proposed: some taking the word as … the Sanskrit ur, a town, or even the Hebrew ‘iyr.” (“UR” McClintock and Strong Encyclopedia) The Moabite word ‘Ar means “city.” (“AR” McClintock and Strong Encyclopedia) The Hebrew word Uru appears to be related and is defined as “city.” (OT:3389 Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon) A reference work describing the origin of the word “Jerusalem” states, “The oldest known form, Uru-sa-lim, has been considered by many to mean either the ‘City of Peace.’” (“JERUSALEM” International Standard Bible Encyclopedia)
• The chief city - These references may indicate that Ur was not simply a city of the Chaldeans, but was the CHIEF city of the Chaldees. The Moabites named their CHIEF CITY by the related word ‘Ar. One reference describes ‘Ar as “The chief city (as the name means) of Moab.” (“Ar” Fausset's Bible Dictionary)
• Another reference work states, “The Chaldeans were a warlike, aggressive people from the mountains of Kurdistan. Apparently they were Haldians (or Khaldians).” (“CHALDEANS” The New Unger's Bible Dictionary) This derivation may indicate that the Chaldeans were descendants of the one who “captured” many of the cities of Mesopotamia. Perhaps the phrase “Ur of the Chaldeans” should best be translated as “the chief city of the one(s) who capture”.

The Wolof word for a Moor is Nar which comes from from the "Semetic" root 'ar' to which this researcher asserts is the first compound of the word AR'AB of where we get Arabia from.

The very name Ar is directly connected to the name Ra as both are represented by an eye, a descriptive for light and also a city. Osiris, whose name can be read as was+ir, where the eye represents the sound 'ir'

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and that according to Massey, Ar becomes Al in the "Semetic" tongue (A Book of the Beginnings, Volume 2 pp. 71, 75, 203, 294, 409) which gives us the word El and, the fact that the Moorish Americans today trace their descendants as the ancient Moabites who inhabited the Northwestern and the Southwestern shores of Africa and, the fact that they wear annexed to their given names 'EL' for their national designation (much like Jews have "stein" as the root of their surnames) the parallels astound.

According to the biblical context, the Moabites city was called Ar who had a river named the Arnon. Among early scholars, the three oldest peoples in the world were the Ethiopians, the Egyptians, and the Arii. The double 'ii' is a Roman suffix denoting plurality. Apuleius, the famous Latin prose writer who was half Berber and half European, in his book The Golden Ass, cites a text where Isis is allegedly edifying herself. It says:

“ the Ethiopians, the Arii and the Egyptians skilled in ancient learning, worshiping me by ceremonies perfectly appropriate, call me by my true name, Queen Isis.” (M.P. Hall 1926 pp. 119-120)

Gerald Massey in his The Natural Genesis: Two Volumes in One on page 22 says this of the Arii:

"The Ari in Egyptian are the companions, the watchers who became the seven Kab-ari, as the Ari of Kheb (Egypt), or from Kab (Eg.) to revolve together. The Ari of Khep or Heb would account for the name of the Iberii in Africa and Ireland, and the Kam-ari, or Kymry or Wales. The Ari were Kamite Blacks before they were the Median Arioi or the Aryas of India. Apuleius mentions the Arii as an African race together with the Ǽthiopians or Kushites of the Persian Gulf, and the Egyptians."

It becomes clear via the biblical narrative that the placing of the Moabites in the city of Ar albeit the bible's historical events are largely actual accounts greatly altered and which are told eponymously and as etiological myths, is merely connecting the Moabites to the most ancient branch of mankind. We teach that the Moors were the first people of the world and that Moor and Moabite are synonymous terms.

The very fact that early Christian writers also called the Moors of north west and south west Africa, that invaded Spain “Chaldeans”[17] proves that they knew whom their warrior adversaries were and coincides with the Abrahamic lineage so touted in religious texts. Couple this with the first oppressor of the "biblical" Israelites ((Judges 3:8), whose name is given as Cushan Rishathiam which means Dark one of double wickedness (Holman 1991) (obviously referencing ancient Cushites) who was the king Aram Naharaim (Northwest Mesopotamia) and the picture becomes more vivid as to the ancient hatred between the European branch of humanity versus the progenitors of humanity, the Moorish.

Even the languages connect to each other. Proto-Berber is the reconstructed proto-language from which the modern Berber languages stem. Proto-Berber was an Afroasiatic language, and its descendants (the Berber languages) are sisters to the Egyptian language, Cushitic languages, Semitic languages, Chadic languages, and the Omotic languages[18].

According to the Christian bible and its Torah, the Midianites conspired with the Moabites to curse Israel (Num 22:1-7). When the curse was turned into a blessing instead (24:10-11), the Moabite and Midianite woman agreed to seduce the Israelite men and in doing so enticed them to serve their idols (25:1-9, 31:15-16, Rev 2:14). The Israelites who fell prey to this and engaged in idolatry were also held responsible, and were executed (25:4-5).

Numbers 31:7-18

"They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man. Among their victims were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba - the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. The Israelites captured the Midianite women and children and took all the Midianite herds, flocks and goods as plunder. They burned all the towns where the Midianites had settled, as well as all their camps. They took all the plunder and spoils, including the people and animals, and brought the captives, spoils and plunder to Moses and Eleazar the priest and the Israelite assembly at their camp on the plains of Moab, by the Jordan across from Jericho. Moses, Eleazar the priest and all the leaders of the community went to meet them outside the camp. Moses was angry with the officers of the army - the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds - who returned from the battle."

So here, we can see a relationship between the Moabite woman and the Midianite woman being noted in the bible as working in unison. The Midianites were undoubtedly Cushite Arabians as Moses took a wife from among the Midianites and was scorned for such by Aaron[19]. The fact that the name HUR is mentioned as one of the five kings, which is Ur or Ar and even deeper, is Hor meaning Lord and Horus as well(Massey Book of the Beginnings vol 2. pp. 104, 269 etc., etc.) is an obvious allusion to the connection of one people to which these names more than likely represent locations in ancient Arabia.

According to two Islamic hadith given by Sahih Muslim and Jami` at-Tirmidhi Prophet Mohammad's tribe, the Quraiysh, was born out of the Banu Kinanah or the Sons of Canaan. The name which appears on the Amarna and Mesopotamian tablets is "KI-NA-NHU" and "KI-NA-AH-NA." Some sources have shown that, when deciphering the MDW NTR (Egyptian Hieroglyphs), they turned to the Arabic solely because the Arabic was derived from the Mudar which indeed was an ancient Moabite language. I have read several sources that make the claim that the Banu Kinanah are indeed Canaanites and some sources who wholly refute this claim. The breadth of the argument is too lengthy to put in this particular treatise but it does warrant notation.

Now, the early Moabite - Mecca/Arabian connection. Hubal was a Moabite deity imported into Mecca and was the chief deity in Mecca before Allah. Hubal was one of the 360 idols found in the Mecca and destroyed by Prophet Mohammad. This historical fact, that Hubal is a Moabite deity, is almost never spoken about among orthodox Islamic scholars. A quick point to note is that, at one point, El was the chief God of most of the Levant. At some point, Baal became the chief God with magnificent Temples erected to him, but none are found of his father El, and those whom we know as Hebrews, who invaded Canaan, crushed Baal worship and implemented the worship of Yahweh as the chief deity although, El is THEE GOD of the bible.

It would perhaps be a good idea to introduce the reader to a brief explaination of how idolatry in pre-Islamic Arabia was practiced and the cited origins of Hubal:

"Every tribe had a different idol which it worshiped. Generally, objects of worship belonged to three genres: metal and wooden statues, stone statues, and shapeless masses of stone which one tribe or another consecrated because its origin was thought to be heavenly, whereas in reality it was only a piece of volcanic or meteoric rock."[20]

Hence it is acknowledged that each Arabian tribe had its own “chief idol” to which they would worship. With regard to the position of Hubal, it is noted that:

"Hubal was the greatest member of the Arab pantheon and resided in Makkah, inside the Ka’bah. Pilgrims came to its shrine from all corners."[21]

Regarding the nature of Hubal, it has been ascertained traditionally that the idol is Moabite in origin. Martin Lings (also known as Abu Bakr Siraj Ad-Din, 1909–2005) was an English Muslim writer and scholar, states as follows:

"So ‘Abd al-Muttalib continued to dig without any actual move being made to stop him; and some of the people were already leaving the sanctuary when suddenly he struck the well’s stone covering and uttered a cry of thanksgiving to God. The crowd reassembled and increased; and when he began to dig out the treasure which Jurhum had buried there, everyone claimed the right to share in it. ‘Abd al-Muttalib agreed that lots should be cast for each object, as to whether it should be kept in the sanctuary or go to him personally or be divided amongst the tribe. This had become the recognised way of deciding an issue of doubt, and it was done by means of divining arrows inside the Ka’bah, in front of the Moabite idol Hubal…"

Hence it has always been known that the idol Hubal is a Moabite import (i.e. Baal). One source states:

"Hubal (from Aram. for vapour, spirit), evidently the chief deity of al-Ka’bah, was represented in human form. Beside him stood ritual arrows used for divination by the soothsayer (kahin, from Aramaic) who drew lots by means of them. The tradition in ibn-Hisham, which makes ‘Amr ibn-Luhayy the importer of this idol from Moab or Mesopotamia, may have a kernel of truth in so far as it retains a memory of the Aramaic origin of the deity. At the conquest of Makkah by Muhammad Hubal shared the lot of the other idols and was destroyed."[23]

These clear references coincide again with the biblical accounts to which Balak, the king of Moab, calls Baalam the Prophet, who is coined the "diviner" (Num 22:7, Josh 13:22). We should also note the etymology of the name Hubal which means "spirit of Baal" from 'Hu' meaning spirit and the Maob god Baal meaning "master" or "lord". Outside of South Arabia, Hubal's name appears just once, in a Nabataean inscription[24]. Nabateans, according to Dana Marniche's (Reynolds) finds in Ivan Van Sertima's Golden Age of the Moors, detailing the ethnohistory of the Moors, on page 105 says that the Nabateans of Petra were called Amorites. The Nabateans were a tribe of Moors of Arabia. When the Prophet Noble Drew Ali says at Ch. 47 v. 6 of our Moorish Holy Koran:

"The Moabites from the land of Moab who received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle and inhabit North-West Africa; they were the founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire. With their Canaanite, Hittite, and Amorite bretheren who sojourned from the land of Canaan seeking new homes."

We then see a myriad of connections with these ancient tribes and their relationships in ancient days. The descendants of those whom would come to be known by the name Hagarenes after the biblical/Koranic Hagar, who are called Arabians today, did turn on the Moabites and altered and corrupted Islam into the predominant form that we have now. The works of that indefatigable scholar on pre-Islam and Arabia, Wesley Mohammad, details in depth how Islam went from an original creation by Moors (so called blacks) to an Aryanized, Christianized Euro religion made into some form of spook worship backed with despotic savagery which causes our people in particular, whom founded this great religion, to turn a blind hateful eye towards it[25][26][27][28]. Prophet Noble Drew Ali told the Moors "Islam is yours, that is why you don't recognize it." In this day and time however, Islam is getting a much needed makeover and its essence, its true pristine form, has been resurrected by the Moabites of the West i.e. the Moorish American Moslems in the United States of America and we shall put Islam back at the forefront of the world again but this time it will be done under the five greatest principles known to man; LOVE TRUTH PEACE FREEDOM & JUSTICE.

When we say the Moabites of the west, i.e. the Moors, we dont just mean a people brought over by slave ships, we mean a people who were already here on this land and those who came after. This too is also chronicled in European records on this land where only the Africans who are Ancient Berbers are to be called Negro on this land. Prophet Noble Drew Ali succinctly states in Act 6 of our Divine Constitution and By-Laws of the Moorish Science Temple of America that "The Moorish Americans [so called black people] are descendants of the ancient Moabites who inhabited the Northwestern and Southwestern shores of Africa."

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The negro law of South Carolina By South Carolina. State Agricultural Society, State Agricultural Society of South Carolina (1839- ) published in 1848

You couple this with the fact that sources state that the Moors, fleeing the Portuguese inquisition fled of all places, to South Carolina, and the picture is finally complete and the teachings of Prophet Noble Drew Ali whom many scholars refuse to even mention for whatever reasons there may be, becomes fruition.
"When the Moors were driven out, thousands took refuge in the South of France, who abhorring the Roman Catholic persecutions, became Huguenots, and that of these many emigrated to a later date to South Carolina..." (Coppee 1881 pg. 445-46)
This concludes for now the connecting of the dots of historical information pertaining to the Moabite founders of the Holy City of Mecca that was given by Allah's last Prophet for these days and times, the Most Noble, Prophet Drew Ali. At first, most of the historical information that he gave to us was passed off as made up religious pseudo-babble, one professor on African American studies from Iowa University called it nothing more than "theosophical lore" that had no "historical value" to it but now, after intense research into what he has brought, and the fact that most of it is/was either hidden, erased, or never mentioned in today's academia especially by Afrocentric scholars or just simply unknown, in this researcher's opinion, shows a plot to blot out such history from the books since the coming of our Prophet with a hope that this true accounting of our people would never get out. The proverbial cat is out of the bag now and like the Prophet Drew Ali told us "Wake up you sleepy headed Moors. I am going to take you up above the sun, moon and stars, around the throne of the Mighty Allah." With that, I end this dissertation for the community and welcome any refutation, or add-ons to the above.


"Before the end of time, every knee will bow to Islam" ~ Prophet Noble Drew Ali (PBUH) EYES WIDE OPEN...

I am the message that I bring to you this day...

Love and Peace

Sheik Way-El Grand Sheik and Divine Minister Moorish Science Temple of America Moorish Medina aka Atlanta, Georgia U.S.A.


1. The Foreign quarterly review, Volumes 14-15 By William Van Norden (1835)

2. The Medieval state: essays presented to James Campbell By John Robert Maddicott, By David Michael Palliser, James Campbell (2000) pg. 159

3. The Golden Age of the Moor (Journal of African Civilizations) by Ivan Van Sertima (1991)

4.The Muqaddimah: an introduction to history, Volume 1 By Ibn Khaldūn (1377)

5. "Mecca". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company (1913)

6. Description of Greece x.13 § 3, By Pausanias

7. Revue Tifinagh, Mohammed Chafik

8. Helene Hagan, The Shining Ones: An Etymological Essay on the Amazigh Roots of the Egyptian civilization (2000), p. 42

9. Ibn Abī al-Ḥadīd Sharḥ nahj al-balāghah, ed. Muhammad Abi al-Fadl Ibrahim (Cairo: #Isa al-Babi alHalabi, 1959) V:54Helene Hagan, The Shining Ones: An Etymological Essay on the Amazigh Roots of the Egyptian civilization, p. 42

10. Encyclopaedia Americana: A popular dictionary of arts, sciences (1838)

11. literature, history, politics and biography Volume 9 edited by Francis Lieber, Edward Wigglesworth, Thomas Gamaliel Bradford (1840)

12. The world of El Cid: chronicles of the Spanish reconquest By Simon Barton (2000) pg. 57,

13. The medieval cult of Saint Dominic of Silos By Anthony Lappin (2002) pg. 192 14. The Foreign quarterly review, Volumes 14-15 By William Van Norden (1830) 15. The Medieval state: essays presented to James Campbell By John Robert Maddicott, David Michael Palliser, James Campbell pg. 159

16. The Victors and the Vanquished: Christians and Muslims of Catalonia and Aragon 1050-1300 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series) By Brian A. Catlos (2004) pg 67

17. Ibid, The Medieval state, Maddicott, Palliser, Campbell 18. Allati (2002:3)

19. And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman" (Num. 12:1)

20. M.H. Haykal, The Life of Muhammad (transl. Isma’il R. al Faruqi), (1976) p. 20

21. Haykal, ibid

22. Martin Lings, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources, (1991) p. 11

23. Philip K. Hitti, History of the Arabs, (1949) p. 100

24. Corpus Inscriptiones Semit., vol. II: 198; Jaussen and Savignac, Mission Archéologique en Arabie, I (1907) p. 169f.

25. Wesley Muhammad, PhD ©: The Whites of Arabia According to Black Muslim Orthodoxy and the Classical Arabic Tradition

26. In Islam Does the Color of the Prophet(s) Matter? By Wesley Muhammad

27. How Did the Black Arabs Become White? (Revised Version) By Wesley Muhammad

28. Accepting the Orthodox Challenge By Wesley Muhammad

Additional sources

1. Jesus and Moses Are Buried in India, Birthplace of Abraham and the Hebrews! By Gene D. Matlock 2000

2. Arabic Language By Anwar G. Chejne

3. An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary Vol II: With an Index of English Words, King List, and Geographical List with Indexes, List of Hieroglyphic Characters, Coptic and Semitic Alphabets By E. A. Wallis Budge

4. Religious diversity in late antiquity edited by David Morton Gwynn, Susanne Bangert 2010

5. Holman Bible Dictionary 1991

6. The Natural Genesis: Two Volumes in One By Gerald Massey, republished in 2011

7. A Book of the Beginnings, Volume 2 By Gerald Massey, republished 2007

8. History of the conquest of Spain by the Arab Moors vol. 2, By Henry Coppee (1881)

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